What's eating me?

Something is having a snack on my leaves and making me look fairly sad. What could be eating me?
Ahpids I should be able to see (right?) and mites, probably not. Is there an organic type treatment for these plants?
Edit: Same thing for BLS. Is there any type of organic treatment?
I had bls this year from the rain and have been using copper fungicide once a week and it hasn't came back yet. I removed all the damaged leafs and started spraying and my plants that had it look fine now.
We have some copper based fungacide. I'll give it a shot and hope it works. Thank you for the help.
Most Bacterial Leaf Spot is brown in the center and surrounded by yellow. You may have something else, possibly fungal, or even worse, viral. Might be insects too as suggested earlier.
If you already have copper spray, go ahead and use it, coat both sides of the leaves. If the problem gets worse, then turn to a sulphur-based spray, or Daconil, which is geared more towards fungal issues. There are also products that combine copper and sulphur, the label will say "copper-sulfate".
If that plant is in a container, move it away from your other plants. And, unless you are spraying treatment, keep those leaves as dry as you can since moisture makes the problem worse.