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What's goin on with my plants???

I need your guys' expertise, as I've never had leaves look like this before. I'm assuming it's a common aspect among all the plants since I treat them all equally, so what could it be? Overfertilization? Underfertilization (if that's possible?)? Overwatering (doubt it since I've only watered them once since re-potting, and that was over a week ago)? Underwatering (doubt that too since the mulch is keeping the soil nice and moist underneath)? Bug attack (haven't seen any, and I've been using insecticidal soap nonetheless)? Some sort of nutrient deficiency? They didn't look like this when they showed up from CCN, so I'm positive it's either something I'm doing wrong, have done wrong, or is just wrong here in some way :?:



Looks like they just recently went outside? Were they properly hardened off? Looks like classic sun scald and wind burn. Just your plants adapting to life outside.
Sort of. I got the first set of plants (what you see there) two weeks ago. I had them planted for a week (see my only other thread), then separated them into individual pots as you see them here. So they've been outside for two weeks, but it has dropped into the 40s a few times and has been windy as hell.

I just planted the next set of six this afternoon, and they look beautiful (CCN purchase again).
A week is plenty enough time for these conditions to show. The lower temperature will stunt their growth for a little bit, but nothing major and they'll definitely grow right out of it. The raging wind on the young plants not accustomed to it cause those small little tears or holes in your leaves. The white/beige spots on the leafs is just sun scald, your plant getting "burned" because its not used to the suns strong rays. They'll be completely fine. I personally rip off all my damaged leaves. If the leaves are left on, the plant focuses its energy into trying to repair the damaged leaves instead of growing newer ones. Best of luck!
Straticus said:
A week is plenty enough time for these conditions to show. The lower temperature will stunt their growth for a little bit, but nothing major and they'll definitely grow right out of it. The raging wind on the young plants not accustomed to it cause those small little tears or holes in your leaves. The white/beige spots on the leafs is just sun scald, your plant getting "burned" because its not used to the suns strong rays. They'll be completely fine. I personally rip off all my damaged leaves. If the leaves are left on, the plant focuses its energy into trying to repair the damaged leaves instead of growing newer ones. Best of luck!
So you think it best to just rip off all of the damaged leaves? That's gonna be a hell of a lot of leaves!. Nonetheless, I do see that if they are damaged, then the plant is probably putting its effort into renewing them instead of growing larger. Would you suggest doing that?
Alright then, I'll just let them be. I'm getting pretty pissed off though, because even with the mulch, I'm still picking weeds every day :(