What's going on with my peppers? Disease?

First are the carolina reapers that I got from my other garden 10 miles from here.  They were surpassed by weeds and I decided to digthem up and pot them in hopes of correcting them so I can overwinter. Both reaper plants have this issue.


Next are my butch t's.  I have 3.  2 look like they're having an issue and by gogling I think it might be mottle?  Not sure.  First year I've grown these.




This one looks a lot beter but there is a leaf or two that seems like they might be trying to start doing the same.

Any thoughts?  Guessing the reaper is worse off with whatever it's got.  Not sureI should even worry about the butch t's since it's still growing nicely and doesn't seem too affected. 
The CR problem looks like Bacterial Leaf Spot infection. Having humid, wet, warm environmental conditions will start it. Can't cure it but can control it and prevent further spreading using copper based fungicide treatments immediately at first sign of infection.  Ortho Disease B Gone with copper is one.  For organic treatments, Serenade Garden Disease Control fungicide is good if you prefer organic products.  
I never had a prob like the Butch T, so can't identify.  
A good source of info for plant problems and diseases I find very helpful - http://vegetablemdonline.ppath.cornell.edu
It might help identify that problem.  Hope it helps.
Will the reaper still produce? Or is it a lost cause?  Would trimming all of the leaves off help any
How far is the infection?  Has it spread to the main stem? That's the most important. If it's that far, the recovery chances are slim. That's why you need to treat immediately. The plants are first weak with infection and stressed. Then you dug them and transplanted them into containers. Now they're in shock and more stressed. So far, not too good. Possible to save?  Maybe, if the stems aren't infected. Then it is a lost cause.` Depending on severity of infection, probably best to start over. Good time to start seeds now for next year.
Don't know how severe your case actually is, but check out this guideline. It'll help you decide. Scroll to "Control of bacterial leaf diseases".
when I posted I gave the reapers  a mix of rooting hormone and espom salte diluted in water, then again a week later as well as a very little amount of blackberry feed, which I believe is 4-5-4 and now they're totally different looking plants.



Still playing with the butch t's
Thanks Mild.  I did find some aphids on the butch t's but I'm not sure it is the cause.  I remember reading about mottle before and thinking it looked similar to it. 