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what's going on????

Some of my plants are getting this severe curling leave. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated :)

Hope it's not to late.
I'm still a green horn to growing but I'd brave a guess and say you're either over fertilizing or using a fertilizer the plants don't really agree with. If I'm not mistaken, your leaves will curl if you're providing too much nitrogen.

If it were just the new leaves I would say Calcium Deficient, but when they all do that at the same time I would also lean towards over fertilization. If you haven't recently fertilized then dig out a Magnifying Glass and start checking for critters. They still look savable at this point. 
Hey SL3 -- could he try some eggs shells around the base of his plants? Also, SL3, is that a reference to SL3 gear in the service? Just asking asking I spent eight years in the Marines. I'm in Canada now as I married a Canadian :)
From what I understand, egg shells will take too long to work and I'm not even sure it would correct it. My vote is you need tons of water, don't worry about over watering. They'll need a bunch and I'd veto the ferts asap
Genetikx said:
From what I understand, egg shells will take too long to work and I'm not even sure it would correct it. My vote is you need tons of water, don't worry about over watering. They'll need a bunch and I'd veto the ferts asap
Ok I did do a soil moisture check grounds still pretty wet I'm completely freaking out!!!
Roguejim said:
What was the last fert you used? How much did you use? How often do you fertilize?
Was panicked when they started brother so I hit with a heavy dose of feet granules supposed to be slow release can't remember the exact type. Went out a week ago and cleaned out garden of all that. Was actually causing so leaf drop!! Looking a little better but I did feet because it was starting to cup the leaves.
So hit it to try and cure. I do have landscapers cloth covering beds and mulch but it seemed like my plants were swimming. So I recently removed mulch from around the plants to allow better evaporation.
I think they'll grow out of it. Really not seeing anything critical here. Although the ground is wet, I'd still water at least once a day...unless you have poor draining soil and watering would just have them sitting in a puddle.
Genetikx said:
I think they'll grow out of it. Really not seeing anything critical here. Although the ground is wet, I'd still water at least once a day...unless you have poor draining soil and watering would just have them sitting in a puddle.
Thanks Genetikx !! :) no my soil has good drainage.
I would agree with Genetikx, I would pull everything back to expose the bare soil and next time you water, water deep (let the hose run on low for sometime to flush that stuff out). Then just wait until they ask for another drink and repeat. They should grow out of it. Egg Shells take to long to break down, but I don't think that is your problem here. Adding anything now would probably only exasperate your situation. Water and let nature work things out. 

SpicyInSarnia said:
Hey SL3 -- could he try some eggs shells around the base of his plants? Also, SL3, is that a reference to SL3 gear in the service? Just asking asking I spent eight years in the Marines. I'm in Canada now as I married a Canadian :)
SL stands for my initials. #3 is my Badge number at work.  :D
SL3 said:
I would agree with Genetikx, I would pull everything back to expose the bare soil and next time you water, water deep (let the hose run on low for sometime to flush that stuff out). Then just wait until they ask for another drink and repeat. They should grow out of it. Egg Shells take to long to break down, but I don't think that is your problem here. Adding anything now would probably only exasperate your situation. Water and let nature work things out. 

SL stands for my initials. #3 is my Badge number at work.  :D
Thank You SL3 feeling much better the few plants this is affecting are important to me. Don't want to lose one of my babies. This Garden is growing do to the kindness of members so I want to do them proud!!
I consider it the THP community garden!! :)
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One other thing is I wouldn't expect those existing leaves to recover. What your looking for is new grow to come out normal. This might even take a few sets before they get back on track so don't be discouraged if immediate new growth is still mangled. Good luck and report back!
Genetikx said:
One other thing is I wouldn't expect those existing leaves to recover. What your looking for is new grow to come out normal. This might even take a few sets before they get back on track so don't be discouraged if immediate new growth is still mangled. Good luck and report back!
Ok Genetikx thanks for that extra will start in the am might rain here just waiting to see. Will keep you updated!! :) really thank you again!!! :)