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what's the difference

My fiance bought me a pepper plant from our local nursery that says mulato. When i googled it, i found a bunch of info that was only talking about ancho peppers. What are the main differences in these two peppers?
ancho in spanish meaning WIDE

also it is used dried in mild chile powders, there are a few species including Poblano which is the most popular that are considered ANCHO
the Mulato is just one of a few species

there are a few species in this category that are used in tradition Mexican cuisine all are quite mild compared to other chile originating from Mexico

im sure Willard on this forum would be the expert on these peppers seeing his is from Mexico and would know much more than i

hope this helps

thanks your friend Joe
Its surprising the Mexicans don't have a different name to distinguish the red/brown poblano varieties when fresh, only when dried as far as I know
So if it ripens brown its a mulato, and ripens red its am ancho...am I reading that correctly?
I believe in their fresh state the green, the brown, and the red pods are all poblanos. When dried, the reds become ancho and the brown become mulato
Its surprising the Mexicans don't have a different name to distinguish the red/brown poblano varieties when fresh, only when dried as far as I know

Mexican nomenclature is frustrating sometimes. Some of my Mexican friends call tomato jitomate and tomatillo tomate. Others call tomato tomate and tomatillo tomate verde. I ask them what do I call my purple tomatillos and they say "I don't know I've never seen a purple tomatillo". Or what do they call a green tomato...they're constantly arguing about the names of things.
What chiles are called in Mejico is location dependent.
Both ancho and mulato are sold in the same bin for the same price and the label said Anchos. Central Mejico.
In Nuevo Leon (northern Mejico), they were a different price in different bins and labelled differently.
Every market of any size I have been in has poblanos, anchos and mulatos.
The difference between very dark red and very dark brown is hard to distinguish.