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Whats the odds broken branch..

I know its probably a long shot I found a broken branch today and I just starting to get into cutting/cloning I mixed some root hormone in the water stuck this puppy in to see what happens, You guys with experience do you think there's a chance it will root or should I just make a bunch of small cuttings out of it?
Posted Today, 08:03 PM

I would cut half the foliage and all the peppers. You want it to focus on making roots, not growth and pods.
OK trimmed it down but think I'll cut it up what size cuttings would you recommend for this one ? 
Gargoyle91 said:
OK trimmed it down but think I'll cut it up what size cuttings would you recommend for this one ? 
Now it might work. It would be easier if you had a bubbler in there, but if you don't have one it should be fine.
looks good but I agree that there's still too much to keep alive, you could probably cut 45's across more of the nodes and clone even more with that.