What's with the bumps?

So I had 12 plants in my DWC set up and just removed a Datil that looked like crap since it germinated, had curled, wavy, taco'd leaves that were yellowing mostly around the tips but some had other spots all over. It grew but it just look bad and I feared disease and didn't want the others catching the funk, so he's gone.  However I do have a question about figuring out what is with the other plants getting very bumpy leaves, so do some don't, which seems strange since they are all in the same reservoir.  I was using FloraNova Grow 7-4-10 @ 2 tsp per gal, BioRoot 1 tsp per gal and SubCulture-M Myco 2 tsp per 5 gal, I made a nute/water change on Tuesday and only changed to FloraNova Bloom 4-8-7 and used the same of the other 2.  The ones with the bumps had them before the nute change, if they are going to go away how long will it take or are the jacked for the life of the leaf?  Got a bunch of buds and flowers on several of them but none have set yet.  Don't think it matters but I just changed from 24/7 to 18/6 on the light on Monday with going from a 400w MH to a 400w HPS bulb.  
Ugly Datil




Peach Bhut buds and flowers
Looks mostly like the start of really bad fert burn, but some of the pics also make me think of mite damage. Back waaay off the ferts for a while, and when you resume, start at 1/4 strength then slowly work your way back up, but don't give them as much as you have been.
Well I do not do hydro but it reminds me of when I have over did it on nutes on my potted plants.
My son said that the plants looked like they were about to Hulk Out when they were dark green and bumpy.  Unfortunately they did not grow huge and strong like the hulk though!
Thanks geeme, I will flush them this afternoon and drop it back a lot.  I was using 1/2 tsp then went to 1 tsp per gal once they had a lot of growth, so it didn't seem like I was giving too much but maybe I was.  Seems as if each one is different though since some look perfect and others have the bumps.
You have to keep in mind that different plants uptake water and nutes at different rates. I grow in pots in soil, and when I had 48 (my max so far) I found that each had its own watering/nutrient needs - some I had to water every other day, and others up to once a week. You're in hydro, so the water isn't the same issue, but the nutes are. Likely the ones that aren't showing signs currently would begin to show signs in the near future. 
Might be a Calcium deficiency. Mine are growing outside but I had leaves that were bumpy or puckered and it was suggested to me that the plants needed some bone meal. Good Luck.
A lot of people use botanicare's CalMag, including me. Used both for DWC and soil. My plants LOVE it. However, check the calcium content of what you already have against the content in CalMag before changing. If what you're using is supposed to be good for tomatoes, it will most likely be good for pepper plants, too. Note calcium is needed to help prevent blossom end rot (BER), so if your current ferts don't contain enough calcium, you will want to add this to your mix, regardless. 
Something I didn't point out before - your plants are still rather young. A whole teaspoon of fertilizer per gallon is definitely too much at this point. 