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What's wrong with me?!!

Sick seedlings. I take them out in the morning 70*F to get some sun and they get about 4-6 hrs of sun. I don't get home til 12midnight so they are in the cold at nights. I'm also aware that they have leaf miners. Will they recover. ?!All of them are in roots organic soil. Should I isolate them from my aerogarden (leaf miners )

What's wrong with them?! Should I just resow more?!?

Mods please move to appropriate section
Soil might be too acid.
A lot of the organic stuff in soil mixes might not have broken down yet.
As they break down they become acid a lot of times.

Your video is too blurry but I don't see leaf miner damage-jig saw patterns on leaves.





Leaf miners are a moths larva most of the time, but there are a couple different bugs that do the same damage.
Moths fly...no way to isolate.
Caterpillar killler helps some,so can a spray of nematodes on the plants.
Don't know if BT kills nematodes...
The quality of the vid makes it hard to say for sure but looks like a little bit of sun scald. Snip the affected leaves if they bother you but doesn't really matter. They should be fine. ;)
The temps where you live are still to cold for the little guys, don't you think? Full sun too? Leave em inside. I think smokemaster lives nearby? Does he have seedlings outside this time of the year?
Soil might be too acid.
A lot of the organic stuff in soil mixes might not have broken down yet.
As they break down they become acid a lot of times.

Your video is too blurry but I don't see leaf miner damage-jig saw patterns on leaves.





Leaf miners are a moths larva most of the time, but there are a couple different bugs that do the same damage.
Moths fly...no way to isolate.
Caterpillar killler helps some,so can a spray of nematodes on the plants.
Don't know if BT kills nematodes...
The quality of the vid makes it hard to say for sure but looks like a little bit of sun scald. Snip the affected leaves if they bother you but doesn't really matter. They should be fine. ;)
The temps where you live are still to cold for the little guys, don't you think? Full sun too? Leave em inside. I think smokemaster lives nearby? Does he have seedlings outside this time of the year?

ya.. i setup my t5s indoors now and will leave the 6" and taller plants to get sun... as for the leaf miners... they were there... i just trimmed them to make it look a little prettier... thanks for the info guys... sorry for the iphone videos
Based on what I see.Is that they are most likely light deprived,over watered,and are getting too cold when put outside.The soil is perfectly fine for seedlings,just ask Melissa and she'll tell ya! You need to slam those lights as close to them as possible w/out burning them of course,and stop putting them outside as well.Your only inviting predators inside and the amount of sun we've been having along w/the temps is just not enough to benefit those young seedlings,they need to be nurtured until big enough to handle the outside environment. Dude,don't be afraid to ever ask me for help bud! Were practically neighbors,compared to most on here.