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What's wrong with these pea seedlings?

Not sure what is wrong with these peas. I make it a point to ensure that the soil is not too damp or dry. While the top may look dry, rest assured that about 1/2" down, it is moist. I have been battling aphids a bit, but they aren't in large numbers. The soil is just a 50/50 mix of Kentucky topsoil and compost. I bought it in bulk from a contracting company here in Lexington at $10 a cubic yard. I did add some 10-10-10 slow release fertilizer about 6" down in the soil. Every single seedling I have (15 total) looks like this.

Any ideas? Need more info? Just let me know.


I would evaluate that soil further. Peas like a friable soil for one, which that is surely not.

Aside from that, if you've (or they've) added compost as well, you may have way too much nitrogen in there.
You should watch out for the larger soil suppliers (at least if you live where I am), they tend to view things from a builders point of view, rather than a gardeners. :surprised:

Maybe, as a measure, transplant one into a pot with some off-the-shelf potting mix and see what happens, I'm almost certain it would spring to life. Peas are a pretty forgiving crop so a huge fuss over soil types isn't necessary but composite mixes can go all kinds of bad.
Ugg, looks like my inner cheapskate has bit me in the butt again. Okay, I think I'll try to transplant on into a pot like you suggested and see how it works out. Thanks!
Ugg, looks like my inner cheapskate has bit me in the butt again. Okay, I think I'll try to transplant on into a pot like you suggested and see how it works out. Thanks!

I had the same issue last year (in ref. to me being a cheapskate), so I hope it works out aight!