food What's wrong with us?

Yesterday I tried Stubbs spicy BBQ sauce for the first time, and while it wasn't hot it had a little bit of a throat tickle that surprised me. Even though in my head I was thinking that it would be fine on it's own, no need to add anything else. A minute later I was chopping up a Trinidad Scorpion to add to it.

What makes us do these things? It's like I can't eat a meal without fiery additions.
I feel you on this one. I decided to skip breakfast this morning because there was nothing to "spice up".
There's nothing wrong with US... What the heck is wrong with Stubs and EVERYBODY ELSE?

I've coated, and I mean COATED a couple fried eggs with Black Pepper because that's all there was!

( I said, that's all there was... GEEME!)
I am so there. Can't eat anything anymore without a fresh super hot. Maybe it's just the season? Gonna have to go powder/flakes after harvest.

Actually, it's the drugs... The highs I've had on peppers... Holy mackerel. Freaktastic. :onfire:
Why does it seem like every meal HAS to be spicy? I don't need bread with every meal or meat with every meal (though i seem to have both with most!) so what's the problem? Maybe it is the endorphins creating an addictive element?
Why does it seem like every meal HAS to be spicy? I don't need bread with every meal or meat with every meal (though i seem to have both with most!) so what's the problem? Maybe it is the endorphins creating an addictive element?

Hheeeyyyy mmmaaaaaan tthheerrreessss nnnnoooooo pprrobblem.......
It's all good, i only have to use 1/8th of a bottle of Smoky Jolokia 2 and some Bhut and Fatalii flakes to spice up my spag bog lunch. I can't understand people that do not like the heat and flavour that chillis bring! :flamethrower:

(See, there was a reason "NO" is the first part of your user name!)
Most of us share the same fateā€¦even now when I'm harvesting seed stock I do it without any gloves. It doesn't seem to bother me anymore and the smells are not as strong as they were in the beginning.
In the beginning of my fascination for hot peppers I also thought why :confused: I am still new to eating super hots so just taking down a Fatalii hurts, however, I see myself going back for more. Is it because of the flavor or the endorphin rush?... I don't know but they're damn good thats for sure. Now, for breakfast I put a chilepowder mix on my eggs that consist of 4 different super hots (I thinks its Choc. Habs, Naga morichs, Guadeloupe Black something to that nature) and dinner I add what ever I got in fresh pods that I have bought from pepper heads here. But now my wife is on my ass about it doing some sort of damage to my health. :rolleyes: I never heard of a completely healthy guy (or gal) getting any kind of illness from eating peppers. I have heard that if you already have a medical condition it might affect it more.
Yea I've read there are several medical conditions that can be worsened by eating such foods but as far as them being the cause of ill health to otherwise healthy people, well I've never seen anything suggesting that.
There are actually studies that show that there are great health benefits to eating peppers. Resistance to infections, antioxidants (anti-cancer), and skeletal health. The downfalls come with those that have compromised heart function. We all know of the endorphin rush which includes epinepherine blasts. This is what can cause troubles for the "weak hearted".

The rest of us reap the benefits. I am no doctor, but I have some understanding of the matter.

yeah i do it to

have to cut back or quit altogether sometimes for a little while till my digestive tract falls back in line, im not getting any younger and it appears im not getting any smarter either, i turn around and do it again, i get bored with my food very quickly when its not biting me back, i also can speak from experiences that hot spicy (well there are many names for it)isn't funny when its got you up till 5:00 in the morning not letting you sleep because your butt well :onfire: :onfire: :onfire: :onfire:

thanks your friend Joe
Luckily I don't suffer from any rear related issues from spicy food. However the first few Scorps I ate made me use the bathroom more frequently ;)
Lucky you. The Fatalii alone makes me go more frequently. And it appears this weekend I will be getting a taste of whats truly hot :twisted: I just hope I don't end up my rear before the day is over :pray: Ohwell, glutten for punishment I guess or just :crazy: