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When are they ready to EAT????

New here, hope you dont mind a quiestion

I have an orange habanero plant with a few flower and maybe 30 tiny tiny peppers that has formed in the last week. ( I thougt the flowers just died but apparently the had done there job)

The question is how long I'll have to weight b4 the peppers are red like the ones in the store? Tried too google but this seems to be something everyone just knows...........
If it's an "Orange" hab probably until it's orange? Not sure as i'm also new, but that's just a guess.
Thanks, but I really wanted to know how long that would bee? Are we talking 3 weeks or 3 months?

The plan was a gift, thougt tha name had something with oranges to do. They wont bee red?
I just took a quick look on the net and it would appear that harvests from the orange habanero can take anywhere from 80-100 days after sprouting although that may also depend on the environment you have them in. Some people in Florida and Texas are on their 2nd and third harvest.
It depends on the temepratures and the variety, the colder the temperatures the longer it takes to get to full size, but generally it takes between 1 1/2 to 3 weeks from time of fruit set.

Pods will be rough and bumpy when they are still growing, once they get smooth and shiny they have stopped growing and a week or so later they will start to ripen.

Look at the end near the stem or the bottom for signs of color changes, once you see orange or yellow colors, it should be fully ripe in a few days.
I would guess about another month but don't know how mature your plant is or where you have it planted.

Habs come in a variety of colors... red, orange, chocolate, yellow...

If you want red then that is what you should grow. ;)
Last year my habs took about a month after they got to full size to ripen on the plant MrArboc. You can eat them sooner and they will still be hot. You could also try picking some and setting them on a windowsill or putting them in a paper bag to ripen sooner. I had one tiny one fall off (or more likely get pulled off and let lay by my 3 yr old) a week and a half ago and it was green. Well, it turned orange and I just ate it. Tiny and immature it was surprisingly hot.