When to cull and which?

Alright so I've done pretty well: I planted 5 of each variety of seed and got at least 4 out of 5 popped out of all but 2 0/0s (the Datils and CGN21500s which I've replanted). I have either 2 or 3 sprouts in each cell and most have their first set of true leaves starting, or out already.
So, I am only keeping one or two of each and am trying to decide which to cull and when. Obviously anybody who shot up early before I had the t5s and are tall and spindly go, but I'm curious as to what height is too high for like the distance between the ground and the cotyledons? I have a few 2 inchers, a few around the 1 inch mark which I'm assuming are fine and then a lot of very stout examples that are putting out their first set of true leaves at about a cm.
Also, at what point do you feel safe enough to cull back the extras, and what are your selection methods (first up stays, vigor, height, ideal shape, didn't come up helmet-headed, etc.)?
Thanks for your input and helping out this first-timer.
I cull when im satisfied there is a clear winner in each cell. Im sure there are others who will post better ideas.
Have a good grow Riot!
I don't cull. I plant 1 seed to each cell. If there is a particularly difficult to germinate seed I will plant multiple cells and then have the option of multiple plants. But, I have time to make that decision later, whenever. I don't like to waste good seed. Just my SOP.
AaronRiot said:
Alright so I've done pretty well: I planted 5 of each variety of seed and got at least 4 out of 5 popped out of all but 2 0/0s (the Datils and CGN21500s which I've replanted). I have either 2 or 3 sprouts in each cell and most have their first set of true leaves starting, or out already.
So, I am only keeping one or two of each and am trying to decide which to cull and when. Obviously anybody who shot up early before I had the t5s and are tall and spindly go, but I'm curious as to what height is too high for like the distance between the ground and the cotyledons? I have a few 2 inchers, a few around the 1 inch mark which I'm assuming are fine and then a lot of very stout examples that are putting out their first set of true leaves at about a cm.
Also, at what point do you feel safe enough to cull back the extras, and what are your selection methods (first up stays, vigor, height, ideal shape, didn't come up helmet-headed, etc.)?
Thanks for your input and helping out this first-timer.
Hmmm. I always plant 2-4 per cell and have yet to CULL any. I can't see to throw away a seedling that took me 2=4 weeks to baby along. I can away's find a container for it. But if I were I would just cut off the weakest looking ones and let the strongest go after the 1st set of true leaves.
I don't cull. I plant 1 seed to each cell. If there is a particularly difficult to germinate seed I will plant multiple cells and then have the option of multiple plants. But, I have time to make that decision later, whenever. I don't like to waste good seed. Just my SOP.

I dig that, however for me personally, especially being my first time growing from seed, I like a backup plan.

For instance I'm hoping for 2 cgn21500 plants. I put 5 seeds in and 0 popped so I planted double that once again. I would have been screwed ha I waited 3 weeks for each of those seeds separately.

Also, I've had a few helmets, a lack of water issue, and a handful of very weak individuals.. Runts if you will.. and am pleased to have a selection.
AaronRiot said:
For instance I'm hoping for 2 cgn21500 plants. I put 5 seeds in and 0 popped so I planted double that once again. I would have been screwed ha I waited 3 weeks for each of those seeds separately.

I'm sorry, I'm a little confused. but the way I read this (without time frames of what you did and when) seems you saved no time by planting in one cell or individually. you still had to replant double later.
That being said, Everyone has to start somewhere. There is no one correct way, and what you try now you may find reasons to modify for next year. This is my first serious indoor start and many of the seeds I planted were very limited to begin with. I think in some cases only 3-5 seeds. So you see why I am reluctant to sow all my seeds in one pot. In another flat under totally a different  set of constraints, I have over 50 of one type pepper planted.
Good luck and keep posting your progress.
Oh, for my example I mean: I only want 2 plants but I planted 5 seeds.

If I had only planted the 2 I needed, waited and failed, planted a next 2, waited and failed, planted a next 2 (totalling 6) and failed that's 9 weeks and 0 sprouts.

And now that I know the germination rate of this particular seed is poor I threw in 10 more in hopes of getting 2 sprouted an growing.
That makes more sense.
If I can add anything not already said, and this is KEY!
Get good seed stock from reputable sources!
Anything else is a waste of your time and your growing season.
Choose the strongest/healthiest for yourself. If you do not have room for growing all your seedlings, ask friends, family, and coworkers if they want them. I put them in solo cups for friends who put them in their windows until mid-May container plantings. When I tell them that all they have to do is occasionally water them then transplant into a bucket or their garden after frost is over, they figure they have nothing to lose and a freezer full of pods to gain. I don't have to give so many pods away to those who accept plants and I turn another person on to the hobby. Everybody wins and no plants have to die.

Oh, I almost forgot...pepper plants are beautiful in flowerbeds. I figure on at least a dozen for my flowerbeds, not counting the container plants. It is amazing how many can be tossed in there between the other ornamental plants.
HP22BH said:
I don't cull. I plant 1 seed to each cell. If there is a particularly difficult to germinate seed I will plant multiple cells and then have the option of multiple plants. But, I have time to make that decision later, whenever. I don't like to waste good seed. Just my SOP.
Yep me too. One seed to one cup. If it does not germinate in a acceptable time I'll put another one in. 
SL3 said:
One seed to one cup
Internet memes are getting less exciting....
By which, I mean, why cull?  If multiples pop, separate them into their own cups.
It's easy enough that my main germinating method is now a single container with a bunch of seeds dumped in, and they get separated as they sprout.
Standard disclaimer:  Don't do what Wulf does.