harvesting When to harvest White Nights?

I’m growing white peppers for the first time. White nights. First pepper on the plant. Stop growing about 2 month ago. It’s not getting any bigger, but the color hasn’t changed. It’s still very light green/yellowish.

How long after a super hot stops growing. Does it take to mature? When should I pull it?

I’ve seen white nights that aren’t actually white and some that are so it’s difficult to tell when it’s ready to harvest.

Most of them turn the color you’re looking for. red, orange… but this is a little tricky. It’s still firm. It’s not falling off the plant if I give it a little tug, so I’m a little confused.


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I'm growing the White Knight for the first time this year as well. So I don't know how to tell for sure when they're ripe, either. But my plan is to harvest a pod when I think it is ready, and hope that it is ripe when I slice it open. If not, I will just give the rest of my pods more time to ripen.

Also, if I pull any pods too early, I've found that I can throw them in a brown paper bag for a couple of days to get them to finish ripening.