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seeds When to move seedlings out of germination kit?

How big do you guys let your new seedlings get before you put them into pots? I have a germination kit filled with peat pellets. And should i have light on the germination kit?
Yes I do light from day one. 24 hours on. Let the seedlings grow their first pair of real leaves and then transplant. After second pair of real leaves form, start a 18 hrs on 6 hrs off light schedule for vegetative growth. Also when they pop up and are standing tall, before the first true leaves appear, remove the dome as too much humidity can cause fungus and dampness damage to the fragile shoots.
I keep my germination boxes next to a window. I'm not entirely convinced that the light does much for the seeds, but once I see hooks they move on to the CFLs. This year I'm going from starting tray -> 3" pots -> 5 gallon buckets. I'll start moving them to pots when they have a developed set of leaves beyond the cotyledons, and into buckets once weather permits. I like to take the dome off a little earlier than Island_Dan, but I try to dry the top layer of soil ASAP due to the high humidity here.
Yes to the above and you might want to get your lights as close as you can to your seedlings depending on the type of lights you have.
If your lights throw off a lot of heat you will have to adjust the height of your lights so that they don't burn your seedlings. If you see any mold or mildew on your peat pellets give them a good spraying with hydrogen peroxide which will kill the mold without killing your plants.
I get my seedlings out as soon as possible, otherwise I find they tend to get leggy. By the time they poke up and show their leaves I'm transplanting and getting them out from under my dome and exposed to moving air, but I still keep them on a heat mat.
I germinate mine in a Sterlite container with an old electric blanket in the bottom (Closed up with the Electric Blanket on low setting it keeps the container at around 85 degrees inside and nice and humid in the domed Burpee seed pellet tray chamber - so very few Helmet Heads !!) No light gets inside and the seeds germinate fine I check them twice a day and any that are hooking get taken out and placed in another Burpee domed container with lighting (the seeds do not need light to germinate but will start to get leggy if not provided with a good source once they get above ground) -- Started 25 pellets this last weekend (2 seeds per pellet) and have 7 pellets that have sprouted so far (3 Double Sprouts (7-pot, Ghost Pepper, Peperoncini Sweet pepper) and 4 singles (7 pot Primo,Yellow Brain, Arledge, Large Red Italian Sweet) awaiting repotting this weekend along with any others that show up by then !

Pic of the setup :

You can keep them in the pellets as long as you want before transplanting up to a larger container - just watch for the roots to start to get near the edge\bottom of the pellet and transplant before they begin to grow out of the pellet (personally I usually transplant over the weekend since I have more time then ) -- and I just place the entire pellet (minus the wrap around the outside) into the larger pot so that the roots are never disturbed.

Don't worry if they happen to get leggy though. If they do, just bury them deep when you transplant them. What you don't want is for them to continue to get leggy. They will become fairly unstable as they get taller, which I would think would stress your plant quite a bit if you aren't supporting it.