When to pic banana peppers

First time growing banana peppers.  I have a bunch that are already fruited up, and they are getting big real quick.  Not sure when to pick them... Whenever I feel they are big enough?  These were labeled as "hot banana", so I assume the longer I wait the hotter they will get.  Do they eventually change color?
Banana peppers of all kinds take a bit to ripen, as they get HUUUUGE if given the right environment. Usually, between 6-10 inches is what you should expect before they change color. None of them will stay that green-ivory color, most turn orange-red, or somewhere near that color when ripe. Pick them just before ripe for optimal heat and non-bitterness, pick them ripe for best sweet flavor and still pretty decent heat given the variety. Hungarian Wax peppers tend to be one of the hotter Banana Pepper varieties, even when ripe. Good luck, and you should have quite a prolific harvest, the Banana Pepper branch of the C.Annuum family is quite productive!