when to pick paparika peppers

Hello all,my first paparika's are about 5 inches long by about 3 inch diameter. I haven't a clue as to how long to leave on plant or how big they'll get ;the variety is unknown ,other than its supposed to be a hot paparike pepper. Any advice from the brain trust?:shocked: thank you cRAYZy
I strongly recommend letting at least most of them ripen to a deep red color! They are delicious that way, and also if you dry them in a food dehydrator and make your own powder it will be so much more flavorful than store bought. I am waiting for mine to ripen, it takes patience!
Ditto on what cheezydemon said. Let them get ripe for best flavor whethr you're going to eat them fresh or dry them.
Thank you for the timely wonderful response . First will be eatin fresh (HOW) unsure the rest will be for powder as that was the plan I might roast half before drying to see the difference gotta read up on roasting prior to making powder clueless on roasting/powder idea!1 thanks again later cRAYZy
If you are going to the trouble of roasting, I would recommend smoking some of them instead. Smoked paprika powder is wonderful!
smoked paparika

sounds great I have two projects now 1)research smoked paprika (how to) and posting a picture hey who says u can't teach an old dogg new tricks Well thanks to all the good people here I gonna learn a few new tricks let it burn:mouthonfire: later cRAYZy