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When to remove from grow light?

Could anybody offer some advice please?

I've started off a bunch of seedlings this year. Some with just the first pair of leaves, and some with around 10 leaves....

They have all been under the grow light, with the intention that some can go outside eventually - I have limited space... Some can be kept indoors.

At what point should I be removing the plants from the light?

I'm also nursing some other mature plants back to health - are they best under the light?

they will need light thru their life, a south facing window is a great option to the grow lights. I personally move my plants from the grow lights to a south facing room about 3-4 weeks before plant out, just to start getting them use to real sun light, then i start hardenjng them off out doors, about 10 days before plant out. Hope this helps you.
As soon as the temps are high enough (and stable), start setting them out. I start when the overnight lows are at least in the mid 50sF or 10C.