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Which Miracle Grow?

I want to use some Miracle Grow on my transplants. I read that 18-18-21 (tomato formula) is good and that 15-30-15 may be better for bud setting. And what about the 24-8-16 all purpose formula. I've read the manufacturers claims but it all seems kind of gray as far as what would be optimum. What do members here preferr?
Don't know what you're growing or what your soil is like. If your soil already has nutes in it, the N content in the above may be on the high side...
Miracle grow... more like miracle NO!!!
haha, j/k. use diluted all purpose for the first watering, then use full strength all purpose until you're happy with how big they are, then use the 15-30-15 for when you want them to flower. Foliar spray with any of them works really well too.

the tomato formula is more for getting you're minerals and micronutrients back in balance if your dirt is tired
yep, but it also equates to the fact people don't want big bulky bags of stinky ferts that make your food taste so delicious you have to change your pants... they'd rather have something compact and in their price range that's not sitting around for a while.
Well, I guess I'm looking for a little short cut to feeding as I'm not up on all the organic soil wizardry I've seen of late.

My soil is conventional potting soil and contains perlite but no Nutes. So, I'm going to have to add something to it. What's a good fertilizer to mix into my potting soil to get started with? My seedlings are about ready to transplant to my Solo cups so looking ahead to proper fertilization when potting up again in a month or so. I know to feed the seedlings a 1/4 strength of 24-18-16 for a while before the big BANG.. :) .

I'm loving this so far. Only problem I've encountered is germinating some Fatallis.....damn....not much luck there so far. Everything else looks good though I've only got about 25 or so seedllings to transplant and get going ...just been wondering as to what fertilizer would be best in my potting mix,. then I planned on MG'ing them..but All suggestions welcome. I don't wanna screw this up....LOL.... TIA
Crushed Crab shells, kelp meal and some sterile manure. And if you want to go organic you can make a tea using bat guano, molasses, fish emulsion, and such. It feeds the dirt which feeds the plants. Just don't use tap water for the tea, if you do let it sit for a day. Just remember miracle grow leaves salts in the dirt and kills any good microbes and beneficial fungus so the poo-tea would be an unnecessary expense.
At least its not over nuted like Crapacle Gro

Apperently you havnt grown with FFoF yet CarvinGuitarist!!

What do you play? I play an Ibanez
I use Alaska brand Fish Emulsions while they are little, and Dynamite brand Tomato fert (organic) when they are producing fruit.

I also have Alaska Kelp if I so choose to use it. Its in my bubble bucket right now, but is ok to use for foliar feeding.
I'm close to the coast...Kelp is easy for me to get. Crab shell ? Would that be basicaly for Calcium? Sterile manure, LOL...yep, I know what you mean though.. How much of each would one add to potting soil?
they are liquids, one is 5.1.1., the kelp is something different, I don't remember off hand.

The fish emulsions (we call them fish squeezings) are stinky...

The kelp doesn't bother me though.

I have read where people put raw seaweed (rinsed) into their potting mixes. I live on the water as well, but have not yet tried it.

Maybe this summer if the seaweed gets thick.
Prob because Foxfarm is hard to find. I have one local small store around which i was surprised carried it. But i highly recommend foxfarm if you can find it near you
Prob because Foxfarm is hard to find. I have one local small store around which i was surprised carried it. But i highly recommend foxfarm if you can find it near you

It's made here! :lol:
I use Fox Farm nutrients, Grow Big, Tiger Bloom and Big Bloom. Good stuff but only the Big Bloom is organic.
No I haven't but if it was the best then every cannabis grower in the state would be using it. Guess what? They aren't all using it. ;) :lol:

...Ummm Dude lots of Cana growers use FFoF. I dont mean to be rude, just saying. FFoF is some good stuff from what I hear.
Miracle Slow.... Yeah not so much.

As for Organic being "wizardry" I dont see how feeding 3 times a season is all that hard?

Step 1 Bubble water for 24 hrs
Step 2 add Worm Poop
stap 3 Wait 24 hrs or until foamy and feed.... ZOMG! its like magic!!!

^^^Sorry for the sarcasm ^^^

But Organic is quickly becoming know as the best.

Think of it like this:
Would you rather eat pure protien, pure carbs, and pure minerals, or...
Eat a nice juice Stake and potatoes! lol
When plants get nutrients from the earth, they are getting them the way they naturally adapted to, and that is not PURE N-P-K! It is broke down in a way that is ready for the plants to use. Thats why it is harder to nutrient burn a plant with organics than it is with PURE N-P-K.

An other thing is SALT... N-P-K that is in fertilizers come from pure Dryied Crystals... how do they do this? they use SALT! And that my friends is how you get Nutrient Lock.

So lets look at some pros and cons of organic
Pro- Its FREE! look in to Virmiculture A pound of red worms can eat a pound of compost a DAY!
Pro- Cheap when not free, Manure is CHEAP, compost is cheaper. check you local dump and see if they sell it.
Pro- Easy on your plants!
Pro- Promotes the Growth of myco's doubling or even TRIPLING the efficiency of your root system!
Pro- Garden Peen, you seem smarter
Pro- better tasting Fruit (why do you think they flush Cannabis 2 weeks before harvest)
Con- Most Stinks
Con- Sometimes it gets on your hands
Con- not as easy to split up and give one or an other, like just N or just P or just K

Give your plants What they were designed to eat! Poop/pee compost and Dirt! If you don't believe me, Take it up with nature/God/Evolution/What ever it is you belive
look around on this forum, like say... this thread:
http://thehotpepper....r +old +mothers