Which Pepper For My Anchovy Chili Caper Pizza?


Datil, Chiero do Norte, or NOT Fatalii (Red)? :)

Hurry. I'm ready to chop and marinate the lil' fishies.
Anchovies and capers sounds salty. I guess the datil to counter that with some sweet heat.
I somehow knew someone was gonna jump in with that!

I went with the Fatalii X. It is HOT, HOT, HOT. The Chiero do Norte has almost no heat, so its a no go just because it wouldn't make the pizza right.

But good grief, half of this Fatalii type thing is gonna make it PLENTY warm. I'm all about heat, but I'm hoping that half of it doesn't overpower the rest of the pizza!

Anchovies and capers sounds salty. I guess the datil to counter that with some sweet heat.

That's what I thought. But I had a bite, and honestly, the Datil isn't very sweet. Maybe I picked it a touch too early. Dunno.