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overwintering Which plants to overwinter?

Hey all,

I know we are nearing the time when we will have to overwinter our plants, and I wasn't sure which of my plants needed to be overwintered. I live in Concord, CA which is about 45 minutes East of S.F. I think I'm Zone 9?

Here are my plants I'm not sure about:
  • Tepin
  • Zimbabwe Bird Pepper
  • Goat's Weed (I thought I heard this one tolerates cool weather well)
  • Tabasco
  • Cayenne
First year growing and overwintering too. In my zone I should just be able to cut them back and leave them outside, right?

I think you wil be fine leaving them outside all year around. Maybe just cover them or bring them in the garage on nights it dips below freezing. No need to cut back unless they are sick. They will groom themselves.
As Romy6 had said, you should be fine, i am in zone 9b, and left my plants outside for most of the winter, only time i brought them in was when the temp was going to go under the mid 40's at night, didnt happen much, but i just put them under my car port, or in my shed and they all were fine except a bell pepper. But it was in a very small pot and i just left it out side during the 2-3 nights of freezing temps we had. It made it through, but died cause i didnt water it enought.

or ifyou plan on leaving them outside, get a forst cloth to cover them, and they should keep them about 10 degrees warmer, just dont use any type of plastic.

Hey all,

I know we are nearing the time when we will have to overwinter our plants, and I wasn't sure which of my plants needed to be overwintered. I live in Concord, CA which is about 45 minutes East of S.F. I think I'm Zone 9?

Here are my plants I'm not sure about:
  • Tepin
  • Zimbabwe Bird Pepper
  • Goat's Weed (I thought I heard this one tolerates cool weather well)
  • Tabasco
  • Cayenne
First year growing and overwintering too. In my zone I should just be able to cut them back and leave them outside, right?


Also, not sure of your zip code, but for the zip code 94519, its rated zone 9b just like me, so according to goole there a few zips codes for your town, so it should all be the same,

here is the website to check your zone. http://planthardiness.ars.usda.gov/PHZMWeb/
Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate it. I do have a patio cover that is made of a thick mesh. It sounds like I could just bring them in under that if temps get into the 30's at night, right?

Also, the first part of my question was which of the plants listed need to be overwintered....if I needed to actually cut back any.

I would try to do all of them if i lived in your zone, and just what romy6 said that they will groom themselves, i see that happening right now to all my plants as some of the colder nights were in the high 30's most 40's, seems when the trees start turning and changing color and dropping leaves so do the peppers, for sure they don't like cold weather but keep trucken and continue to live and some of them even try to reproduce peppers, its amazing how hardy peppers are, several of the ones i grew didn't make it in larger 6 gal containers and stayed in 1gal or less for the entire season, they got root bound, not bushy at all bye any means a few lost all there leaves and i mean down to just stems and they started growing leaves again, they still produced peppers but usually up to 3 peppers per plant. The cold hits these guys worst cause there is not enough soil to protect the roots from the cold but they continue to live. Long story short peppers are very hardy plants until they see frost for a extended amount of time.

Forgot to mention if you manage to keep them okay then next year i wouldn't be surprised if they grow 3 times or more bigger ... just saying that because late last year i bought a Bhut plant in Oct. keep it in the house until spring and was able to move it out the door no problem... now that Bhut is so big there is no way i can get it in the house, the dogs use it for shade to get out of the sun and i use a rope to move it as i have it on a cut off top of a 55gal plastic barrel for a bottom.