• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

White Cloud cross Dorset Naga

Hey guys, I'm attempting to cross a White Cloud sweet pepper with a Dorset Naga. I know annuums and chinenses are only partially fertile so I have a few flowers crossed on a few White Cloud plants. The only reason I've chosen these two is that the Dorset Naga was the only plant flowering at the time when the White Cloud opened it's first flower so I decided to go with that.
I guess there won't be many updates until I plant the seeds of these pods and see what F1 pods look like. Just in case I have also crossed the Dorset Naga with a Purple Beauty sweet pepper, the more the merrier, will see which one works.
I do have a question though - if this cross works, will it be an annuum or a chinense i.e. will I have multiple buds per node or just one? Or is it pretty much luck of the draw?
Here is one of the crossed peppers coming through.

I'm hoping it'll ripen soon, I'll dry the seeds and see if I can plant them this summer otherwise will probably try and grow F1 out over winter as I've added heating to my greenhouse.
I've read a bit about pepper genetics... and i'm a bit out of my element with the level of education at which they're written. However, i think what follows is about right. (And if someone knows better, please correct me).

The Mf-1, Mf-2, and Mf-3 genes are dominant, according to the syntax (using an upper-case 'M' in 'Mf-1'). The 'M f' is short for 'multiple flowers'.
All the F1 offspring should be plants with more than one flower per leaf axil.

Pungency: sweet peppers have a pun1 gene, which causes fruit to have no capsaicinoids. It is recessive to the Pun1 gene, which codes for normal pungency in fruit.
This is distinct and separate from the genetics that determine HOW hot the fruit will be.
All the F1 generation should be pungent, but not as hot as the Dorset Naga.

Fruit color is based on 3 genes (and a 4th one in the case of chocolate and green ripe colors). Short answer for a white-fruited/red-fruited hybrid: the F1 generation should be exclusively of red-fruited plants. The F2 will show red, orange, yellow and white- fruited plants, with most plants bearing red fruit and fewest bearing white ones.

I'm stumped when it comes to the genetics of a pepper named 'Purple Beauty'...
mikeg said:
I've read a bit about pepper genetics... and i'm a bit out of my element with the level of education at which they're written. However, i think what follows is about right. (And if someone knows better, please correct me).

The Mf-1, Mf-2, and Mf-3 genes are dominant, according to the syntax (using an upper-case 'M' in 'Mf-1'). The 'M f' is short for 'multiple flowers'.
All the F1 offspring should be plants with more than one flower per leaf axil.

Pungency: sweet peppers have a pun1 gene, which causes fruit to have no capsaicinoids. It is recessive to the Pun1 gene, which codes for normal pungency in fruit.
This is distinct and separate from the genetics that determine HOW hot the fruit will be.
All the F1 generation should be pungent, but not as hot as the Dorset Naga.

Fruit color is based on 3 genes (and a 4th one in the case of chocolate and green ripe colors). Short answer for a white-fruited/red-fruited hybrid: the F1 generation should be exclusively of red-fruited plants. The F2 will show red, orange, yellow and white- fruited plants, with most plants bearing red fruit and fewest bearing white ones.

I'm stumped when it comes to the genetics of a pepper named 'Purple Beauty'...
Hey thanks for an awesome reply mate. Much appreciated. Will be interesting to see what happens.
The purple beauty pepper that I used is this one here: http://www.kingsseeds.co.nz/shop/Vegetables/Alpha+Search+for+Vegetables/Veges+P+%26+Q/Pepper+Purple+Beauty-8045.html
I just hope i'm right on at least one of my predictions! I really am going out on thin ice, where i'm not sure of what i'm talking about. You might want to perform your own reasearch.
Apparently, the F2 generation of any hybrid from 2 very different parents can show you all the surprises the F1 generation didn't... assuming you sow out enough progeny. This could produce some interesting results!

Good luck with this... i'd like to follow this glog.
...i think some ornamental peppers have the same gene as the Purple Beauty pepper. Unripe fruit genetics can code for pale green, dark green, white or purple-black. Some purple blushing also occurs in some strains. But this is the immature fruit color.
The final ripening color is red, like the Naga. If Purple Beauty is a stable strain, all offspring should have red fruit. If there are any recessive traits for ripe color, the F1s will all be red, and recessives will manifest subsequently.
Have harvested two white cloud peppers today: one regular one and one of the crossed ones. I was absolutely certain that at this stage you should not be able to see any changes - the weird thing is that they are pretty different.
On the right is a non-crossed white cloud pepper, on the left is the one that I crossed with the Dorset Naga. Is it just me or does it resemble a Dorset Naga pod? I have a bunch more white cloud peppers on plants and none of them look like the one on the left, they all look like regular sweet peppers. I gathered about 80 seeds from the crossed one, so as soon as they dry out I'm chucking them into jiffies and going to start growing my F1.
Also - I thought it was just me, when I tasted the crossed pepper I thought I could just taste some heat in it, but couldn't quite tell. So I asked my wife to try it and she confirmed that she can feel a light heat from it, the other non-crossed pepper didn't have this. Very weird, this completely contradicts what I read so far but here we are.

The cross wont express itself until you grow the seeds from it.Any taste/heat/phenotype showing now on any of the fruit is from last years pollination.
You can get quite a bit of variation on the same plant it seems.I got some funky ones on my Naga which are different from the rest