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Who has grown long term pepper plants from cuttings?

I'm trying my hand at cloning some chocolate Primo cuttings, as promised. Has anyone grown pepper plants for more than a year that were started from cuttings? I'm wondering if they will get big and produce well, or do they never do as well as seed grown plants? I ended up with 3 of those chocolate Primos, but now I just started 10 cuttings, so we will see. Tom
Honestly, I have never seen any perennial grown from a cutting. They always graft cuttings onto a root stock to provide decent anchorage for the plant, without which I assume it would be limited in size. Although, I can't find any concrete mention of this, it's just my own observation.
If a cutting grows, there will be almost no difference than a seed grown plant. However I have almost never known cuttings to grow.
I have heard of others starting clones, but never got into detail with them. I will look up Peter's posts. I have rooted just about everything as woody as junipers. I am assuming something as soft as peppers should root within a couple of weeks without any problems. Even though a little off the subject I am asking about, I'll update here on how well, or not, the 10 cuttings do. I should say 9 because one was really small, just as a test to see how small a cutting will root. You gotta experiment! Tom
danish said:
Honestly, I have never seen any perennial grown from a cutting. They always graft cuttings onto a root stock to provide decent anchorage for the plant, without which I assume it would be limited in size. Although, I can't find any concrete mention of this, it's just my own observation.
I've grown many a fig from cuttings, to be honest I usually don't hear too much about figs with grafted root stocks unless it's from a hobbyist looking to experiment.
Although peppers on the other hand I haven't had much luck growing them from cuttings.