Why are my pods curling???

All of the early pods (Kimchi) grew really well but all new pods now are curling.:think:
Is this some kind of deficiency in the soil?
If you say dat early pods grew really well im guessing dat maybe the rest of the flowers got cross pollinated giving u some diffrent looking pepper dat wat ur use too.Dats what i think but wait for someone on da board to give u a more proffesional answer..:think: Good Luck!!
Turkey said:
If you say dat early pods grew really well im guessing dat maybe the rest of the flowers got cross pollinated giving u some diffrent looking pepper dat wat ur use too.Dats what i think but wait for someone on da board to give u a more proffesional answer..:think: Good Luck!!

Cross pollination doesn't affect this season's peppers, it affects the plants grown from the cross pollinated seeds.
Have you checked for an insect infestation i.e. Aphids, Mites or as Pam puts *spit* Thrips *spit* :D

Have had some aphids and thrips, but not a lot. Do they cause curling of fruit? Will the fruit still be usable?

chibi said:
Have had some aphids and thrips, but not a lot. Do they cause curling of fruit? Will the fruit still be usable?


*spit* Thrips*spit* will distort leaves and they will also cause damage to the fruit and appears as brown or silver colored areas near the cap.

Can you post pictures?
*spit* Thrips*spit* will distort leaves and they will also cause damage to the fruit and appears as brown or silver colored areas near the cap.

Can you post pictures?

I'll try to get some pics up over the weekend. There's no strange coloring, just curly pods...
You know, it could be as simple as uneven ripening, and be perfectly normal for this kind of pepper. I'm not familiar with the variety that you mentioned, so I can't say; but I do know some varieties produce some straight and some curly peppers on the same plant. I think it's in the rules of the Big Jim contest how to measure pods that curve instead of grow straight.
is this "kimchi" a cayenne type of pod ?
when I've planted cayennes or kung pao chiles theres been times they'll grow some curling pods, they taste the same as a straight pod so dont worry about curled pods they wont kill you, its still a chile.
I am quite sure that there can be a great deal of pod variation on the same plant in most types. I know I have had jalapenos that decided that they wanted to curl or bend, cayennes that wanted to grow straight as a pin, and even orange habs that looked like scotch bonnets. Not sure what makes them more or less likely to curl/not curl, but I do know that most "supermarket" varieties are far less likely to do so in order to provide a more uniform shape and size, and the seed for those varieties is often advertised as such.