Why are my Yellow 7s taking longer to ripen?

I'm not sure exactly when I noticed this change, but it was sometime in the past month.  Prior to that time, as soon as a Yellow 7 would start to turn color, it was fully Yellow fairly quickly.  If a pod was half yellow one day, it would be almost fully Yellow the next day, and fully yellow two days later.  Now, it takes many more days for the rest of the pods to change color, once they start to get yellow at the top.  I'm now picking pods with little green at the bottom and allowing them to finish ripening inside.
What has caused the change?  I am guessing one of two things:
1 - The cooler weather and shorter days.
2 - Lack of nutrients.  I haven't had to water in a while due to a few spurts of heavy rains and am worried that the rains flushed out too many nutrients.  If this is the case, I can give it a full dose of MaxiBloom.
I'd say the cooler temps once the nighttime temps went below 50 at night my pods stopped growing stopped changing so I brought mine inside at night and back out in the 70 day time temps and now pods are ripening normally. Thank goodness my plants are all under 3 feet tall lol
Thanks for the answers.  It it too much of a pain in the ass for me to bring it in and out.  I'm just hoping for 3-4 more weeks of no frost, so the existing Pods can grow and ripen.
Interestingly enough, it hasn't been very cold.  There have been nights in the mid and low 50s, nothing lower.  I can tell that the plant really doesn't like the weather, because my pods finish ripening inside, off the vine, faster than outside on the plant!