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Why do superhots take so long to sprout?

I've never grown a superhot, but from these boards, it appears that they can take 30 days to sprout. The Chiles that I grow ususlly sprout in 7-10 days.

What is the scientific reason why superhots take so long to get started?
Well I think all chinese are fickle. But under proper conditions most superhots do only take about 7 to 10 days to sprout. Most of us scrap them after 2 weeks. I have had them sprout in as little as 4 days.
It may be hard to get the lead out of the chinense seeds.....oops..

As Jamie said, It shouldn't take more than a week or so to germ.
If the seed stock is old or stored poorly the hulls can become dry and brittle.
At that point it may take longer but the window for mold and rot shortens. I
remember growing the "Ghost" when it 1st became available. The seeds sprouted within
2 weeks, but they were very fresh. Other folks struggled with their seed starting
mediums, the moisture content and the consistant temperature needed to sprout. While
other folks delt with old seeds that were sold off as the "real deal" but only turned
out to be some type of Red Hab........yikes
Being patient is the best advice that I can give...

I'd be lying if I said I knew the scientific reason, as it's something I haven't researched. But I suspect it has to do with the viability of the seed at the time the pod was picked - clearly seeds from riper pods are more viable than less-ripe pods. So I can see that seeds from very ripe (or even over-ripe) pods may sprout faster than seeds which came from just-ripe pods.

I guess I'll compare to to a newborn human baby. A newborn who was premature may need to spend more time in the hospital getting some extra help getting started than a newborn who was full term. Make sense?
like ROMY i have seen some pop for me in as little 4 days and then others up to say 3 weeks or more, i think the major factor that seem to come into play are soil condition, soil temp, and moisture, age of the seeds also can have something to do with it too, but i admit that even all these thing dont always have anything or everything to with how long they take
i have noticed that baccatums and annums germ much quicker for me for the most part

thanks your friend Joe