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why won't flowers set pods

Casper (ghost plant) has grown to mammath size and has had flowers for about a month. I have fertilized with 10-10-10 every watering (twice a week) % to water is not full strengh for fert. It gets plenty of sun and has grown like a weed. Idid go over all flowers with a paint brush, but gave up because that was not working either.

WTF ? Why no pods?

Please advise.

+1 to Browning's stuff. Another thing could be temperatures, lack of air flow, lack of pollenators, not enough Phosphorus or Potassium, and the list goes on...
hogleg said:
I believe Browning hit the nail on the head.
Imo I would never give em that high of nitrogen during flowering
Agreed. It's something I also read warnings about on my Meyers lemon tree. Over fertilizing can stunt production and cause the plant to focus on vegetative growth.... maybe that's why your plant is mammoth sized
West Texas heat is killing flowers currently,my plants load up good and have done so 4 times and blown every one
Overnight 88*F and with in 4-5 hrs its 95 and 3 hrs later its 100*+F
They just dont like it
My temps have dropped considerably here in Japan. Days are mid 80s and nights are mid 70s. Perfect weather for podding, yet none of the chinense or pubescens are podding. The annuum have started podding again though, and baccatums have been throwing pods left and right since July.

I think chinense can be finicky, because I did get a small crop of Fatalii back in July as well.