breeding Will I be able to identify a cross from the stem color?

I'm saving seeds from each Pimenta de Neyde X Bhut Jolokia F7 pod in a different Ziploc.  This is because it grew right next to a Yellow 7 pot and the next generation from some batches may be a cross.  I don't have the grow space to grow out 100 + plants, but I do have indoor space to start a lot.  I know from last season that the Pimenta de Neyde X Bhut Jolokia F7 has a purple stem and I know that the Yellow 7 has a green stem. One of the Pimenta de Neyde X Bhut Jolokia seeds from one of the batches just sprouted, and it has a purple stem.  I'm not a botanist, but can somebody QA my logic:
This plant may be a Pimenta de Neyde X Bhut Jolokia F7 that grew true, or it may be a Pimenta de Neyde X Bhut Jolokia F7 X Yellow 7, since I'm guessing that nobody has crossed these before and that stem color isn't known.  If a sprout from another Pimenta de Neyde X Bhut Jolokia pod does not have a purple stem, I'm assuming that it is a cross.  Are both my educated guesses correct?
I'm asking because I'd like to sprout a number of these from different pods, and keep any with stems that aren't purple, so I can grow out the expected cross.  Does this plan make sense?
I'm not too familiar with the color patterns of the PDNxBhut, since I just started growing them. I can tell you that both of my PDNxBhut seedlings don't have purple stems ATM. They are just now putting on their first true leaves though, so maybe the stem will start to turn purple later on. The ones I am growing are the variety that ripens to cream color. I'm not sure if that makes a difference in stem color or not with this cultivar.
Thegreenchilemonster said:
I'm not too familiar with the color patterns of the PDNxBhut, since I just started growing them. I can tell you that both of my PDNxBhut seedlings don't have purple stems ATM. They are just now putting on their first true leaves though, so maybe the stem will start to turn purple later on. The ones I am growing are the variety that ripens to cream color. I'm not sure if that makes a difference in stem color or not with this cultivar.
It looks like there are many phenotypes of the PDN X Bhut, as mine ripen purple on one side and peach/orange on the other.  Some of them get almost brown all over, if I leave them on the vine long enough, other's stay purple/peach.  My stems come out purple as soon as the seeds sprout.
I wanted to drop you an update, it looks like the stem on this PDN X Bhut seedling turned purple after all. It was definitely green at first, but has now changed color.


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Thegreenchilemonster said:
I wanted to drop you an update, it looks like the stem on this PDN X Bhut seedling turned purple after all. It was definitely green at first, but has now changed color.
Interesting.  Post pics of the pods when they come out.  I'd love to see what colors they mature.
Sure thing man, that won't be til next year, but I will definitely do that.  I plan on starting some of the PDN X Bhut seeds that ripen to red this upcoming January as well for next season, so I will send you pics of both.  Interestingly enough, I just noticed that the cotalydons of this PDN X Bhut seedling are starting to turn purple as well.  Cool stuff!  I bet the foliage of the mature plant will be very purple.