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will they carry fruit again?


About 6 months ago, I bought spannish peppers in the giftshop of a sciencemuseum.
They are from the brand 'pocket garden'.

After several weeks, 4 peppers emerged.
So now I have 4 peppers of about 5 months old.
A couple weeks ago, they made little flower-startings...I think because it was warm and sunny for a while. (I live in Belgium)
They are only 27 cm, and their leaves were hanging down....obviously to weak to carry fruit.
It was also still winter.
I removed the flower-startings and after a couple hours, they looked well again.

My question is, if those plants will carry fruit again when they are bigger and it's warmer and sunnier...?
I hope this is a bit clear.

Here are they:

They should. Pepper plants will reproduce for years given the proper conditions. Matter of fact, you might want to pull off those 4 little peppers to force it to flower and grow more.
I was also wondering what kind of Capsicum the spanish pepper is.
some say it's annuum, other say it's frutescens.
that's outside of my realm.... someone will have a good answer for you. Until then, the interwebs is your friend! Research!!!
yes they will re-fruit if the conditions are correct.. light , temperature, etc i had some winter over plants produce early summer and again at the end of the summer.
They look pretty darn healthy to me for being indoor plants.

Let's face it, nothing is a better steward of plants than Mother Nature herself.

They will become tremendously more vigorous and robust once they get a chance to go outside in the natural habitat. It will work wonders for you.

It their stalks are not sturdy enough to handle hanging pods, try exposing them to some pretty intense wind from fans.

That helps to make the stalks grow thicker and more sturdy.
Peppers are perennial, they will continue to fruit, they are not annuals. Stick with it, they will pod again.