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Will they make it...

I had originality planed on growing my peppers indoors exclusively. But because people on this site were so generous with trading seeds Iv decided to try growing them outdoors. :P :clap: My question is How will they do. I live on the coast in the Bay Area in California. The daytime temps range from 55F to 85F. Night time temps 55F to 65f. Its Foggy half the time and Sunny the other half. I understand its not ideal conditions but Will they produce? They will be south faceing plants. The types of peppers are...
Bhut Jolokia
Naga Morich
7 pot
Choc Hab
Choc Fatalii
Purple Jalapeno
And a few more I cant think of right now lol
Oh ya I have already been germinating the seeds.
Thanks in advance,
Growing peppers inside is very hard, your plants will be much happier outside come the spring/summer months. Get them started inside early in February and in 8 weeks move them outside. Full sized peppers plants are extremely difficult to pull off inside the house. You get much better harvests with size/heat of your peppers outside. Move your plants outside when the temperature stays above 50 F at night.
I moved mine out once temps stayed above 40 degrees. At first, just for a few hours but after a week, they stayed all day and night long.

I second the indoor advice..you CAN grow indoors, esp. if planning to plant out later. But, it's more stuff to do for sure.

Getting fruit indoors..generally takes money. ;-)
Stinky said:
Not sure if it matters but this is summer temps.

Ya, that matters, you'll be fine until fall/winter comes. At that point you'll want to move them indoors or they will die a slow and aganizing death, holding onto the brief fleeting hope that you have not forgotten their efforts to provide you food.