trade Will Trade for Peach Hab Seeds...

20 peach hab seeds (from 2009 season)

For 20 seeds from one of the following (2009 season, take your pic):

Naga Morich (parent from NagaSeeds UK)

Antillias Caribbean (lovely exotic habanero, great taste)

Jamaican Hot Chocolate (Smokin' Hot Hab)

Fatalii (Wonderful taste, searing HEAT)

PM if interested. :mouthonfire:
Petey I will have some Peach Hab seeds soon.Just got my first ripe one.I have three other colored habs if you want to do a trade.Let me know . Barry
Hey pey,,,i`ve got seeds from last yr if you are interested.i`d be interseted in the antillias caraibean if you have a few .Drop me a line and we can take care of it. Have a great one.