I am pretty certain that all of my plants have fusarium wilt. I do not need help with diagnosis, but I would like to know if anyone else has successfully dealt with this problem!

I know, burn the plants and "solarize" the soil! Lovely! Great! I am sure that will work....for next year!!

For now I have plants that are producing great peppers, but the lower leaves are quickly yellowing and falling off, working their way up.

These are in soil, outside, many varieties, all infected. I have some "SM-90" meant for hydroponic gardens that I intend to dip the roots in and pour around the plants. This is a desperation plan that may not work. Any thoughts??:)
Solarizing soil means to put black plastic over the soil for several weeks I presume to bake the ground and kill fungus. I have seen it on several sites while searching for info. Thanks for the post anyways, maybe this isn't a pleasant topic, but I evidently got this infection from potting soil, so I figured serious chile growers would be familiar with it. It could almost be overlooked since the plants are still making peppers, but I fear that come September, they will all be dead.
Thanks anyways potawie. It is not the worst thing that could happen. For now i have ordered Mycostop, a beneficial bacteria that sounds like it should help. Thanks!