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Wilting and loosing leaves

This is a bit of a mystery. Bond Ma Jaques is shedding leaves after doing so well. And Trinidad Scorpion is wilting dispite getting enough water and fert.

Any ideas boys and girls?



Mites! :eek:

I'm not positive but the damage on the new growth in the last pic looks very similar to what broad mites have been doing to my plants. However, that doesn't really explain the wilting on the older leaves (the little buggers only destroy the new growth then move on to the next plant).

Is the new growth all curled and mangled (and maybe even slightly discoloured) or is it just plain old wilting? If it is curled and mangled, I would definitely start treating for mites ASAP (neem, soapy water, anything!) at least as a precaution until you figure out the cause. Broad mites can cause much damage in a very short amount of time.

Just to add too, if you do have broad mites, you will not be able to see the bloody things with the naked eye.
it could be a simple thing such as root rot...if you can get to the roots of the plant without disturbing it too much, check your roots...if they are brownish color and the "sheath" slips on the root when you gently pull on it...you got root rot...caused by high heat and extremely wet roots...if the roots are white, they are fine...
Wow, that almost made me sick.

Are you using self watering pots? Don't those pretty much keep the roots wet? Could be the cause of the root rot that AJ mentions above.

Hope you get it figured out in time.
No - straight in the ground

Wondering if it was from a cat problem. Neighbourhood cats pissing and crapping in my garden.
OK - fixed one of the plants. Epsom salts did the trick as new leaves started shooting on the bare stem days after applying. The wilting scorpion is still in trouble though - and a total mystery as there are no bugs and the roots are white.