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Wilting too easily?

Ok, my Bhut Jolokia plant is drooping easier than it should. I have some hab plants that are just fine. Today it's wilting and it's not even that hot or sunny. It's overcast and about 85 if that. Is there a reason for this? It needs a drink but it rained the other day and figured I'd wait til tomorrow to give a drinky poo. So yeah, is there any other reasons other than thirst that it would do this? It's getting direct sun until 1pm max, as are all my plants. Thanks for any suggestions. Also it just started producing flowers and they are blooming so maybe it's resorting more energy to those instead of dealing with the heat???? I don't know......
Check the soil for moisture as deep as you can. If it's dry you know what to do. If it's sloppy wet you may have root issues.

When you do water it how fast does it come out of the drain holes? Sometimes the soil will get compacted enough that the water runs right around it along the side of the pot then out. If that's the case you need to water it real slowly. Add a cup of water, wait 30 seconds and repeat. Good luck.
Check the soil for moisture as deep as you can. If it's dry you know what to do. If it's sloppy wet you may have root issues.

When you do water it how fast does it come out of the drain holes? Sometimes the soil will get compacted enough that the water runs right around it along the side of the pot then out. If that's the case you need to water it real slowly. Add a cup of water, wait 30 seconds and repeat. Good luck.

Yeah i hoped it was just a water issue. I check the drain holes and it could use a drink but it looks like rain which is why i held off. Either way the roots should be fine. Thanks!
It probably just needs water, but don't water it while it's in the sun.

Like p said, make sure you get a good deep watering instead of runoff. If a pot's contents get really dry the water has a tendency to runoff around the pots perimeter.

I water mine 2 and sometimes 3 times if it got really dry. The first round is light and just adds a little water to the top to allow it to soak a bit. After giving all of the pots a taste I start again at the first pot give it a larger charge and repeat if necessary until it drains from the bottom.

If you bottom water the edge runoff isn't a problem. ;)
Thanks SS. It did just need water. I watered it at about 2 and it was kinda in the shade. Went and drank a ton and came back and it's perky as Jessica Parkers nipples in the rain. Just getting over worried. At this point I should know better.
I'm using more cypress mulch this year and it's really helping out with watering issues. Keeps the soil temps down and prevents the top inch of soil from getting dried out. It's so hot and humid down here that you'd have to water 2 or 3 times per day to keep up. Now its just once in the morning. Maybe a little rain in the afternoon for the leaves. Best five bucks you can spend.