Win a box of mixed superhots from The Ghost Pepper Store *Closed*

Since we got to do a "double picking" this week, for the first time this year, we are going to have another contest for a free box of pods. Pods are everything from Fatalii to Infinity and beyond! Picture below is only a sample of what I picked today, so these are NOT necessarily the pods that will end up in your box.

Untitled by, on Flickr
Contest Rules
First person to guess the bust size (US bra size) of Mrs. GhostPepperStore wins!
Contest will end at 6:00 AM Central time tomorrow, July 24th, if no one has guessed the size, the winner will be the person with the guess closet to the size without going over. An exact guess will end the contest as soon as I see it.
Please, one guess per member, no editing posts! (I mean it this time, NO exceptions)
Winner must be in the lower 48 United States, we cannot ship fresh peppers to Hawaii, Alaska, or countries outside the US.
Contest winner will need to provide a mailing address in order to claim their prize, no purchase necessary.
Prize will be shipped tomorrow, July 24nd, 2013.
I think that covers anything, but I reserve the right to edit the rules in case there is something I missed.
Good luck everyone, let the guessing begin.
After doing some serious reserch on bra sizes i found out that according to a new study that in the past 20 yrs the average American bra size has increased three cup sizes, from a 34B to a 34DD.
So my guess is 34DD
Man, it is killing me not commenting on these guess. Still no winner. I'm a bit surprised.
Oh Snap, I posted to soon TOAW has nailed it. It pays off to do research apparently. Even funnier because she is British not American!

Pm me your address, they will ship in the morning.

Thanks for playing everyone. We have a few small packs available on our website for shipment tomorrow as well.