
Give it tender loving care, and it will come back as long as there wasn't any other damage. It wasn't a cold wind, was it?

This would also be one of those times that a dose of a nitrogen heavy fertilizer like Miracle Grow or fish emulsion would be helpful.
Volrathy said:
A big wind blew all but 2 of the leaves off 1 of my plants last night. What do I do ?
I had one young seedling that got torn by the wind, and then a large wooden chair fell on it. :lol:
Even though it looks like some higher power is trying to kill it, the seedling still lives! :cool:
We had 3 weeks constant of 30-40 knot wind here a couple of weeks back, despite having to drive pickets in the ground to support my plants they are looking great, most of the leaves are already making a comeback & Ive got lots of nice pods riping up:)