• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Winter grow indoors

Well fine chiliheads, this is my winter project.  Most of my seeds have sprouted now and are growing quickly in their clear cups.  I am still waiting on some seeds to germinate since my bugglegums failed and this is where I'm at.
Grow list:
-Brazilian ghost
-CGN 21500 (still slow to pop once seeds sprouted and were placed in soil)
-Yellow brain strain
-Primo x butch T F3
-Jonah x butch t
-Yellow 7 pot primo
I have a single T5 at the top of my kitchen where it's warm to get these guys going.  I plan on limiting their light to slow their growth until at least february (will have to buy more light at some point) and then it's game time.  Lots of topping and pruning in my future.





More updates to come...
Not sure...will have to do some research and read some of the posts on here on lighting tips. Any advice?
I'm assuming that you are planning a full indoor grow.  I've done this but am not the best to get advice from as the first time I did it, I got pods, but not enough.  I am trying again - check out my Glog:
Currently, I have a Main 4 Bulb T-5 on top of my plants and 6 CFL (2,800 lumens each) bulbs hitting them from the side.  Last year, I did not have the 6 bulbs on the side, but set up a single bulb T-5 for extra side lighting.
People here that are much more successful indoor growers than I use more expensive HPS lights, and some are using LEDs.  I'd like more power, but the fluorescent lights run very cool and I'm comfortable leaving them unattended when I am out. 
Check out the grow-tech sub-forum:
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I will be putting them outside in large pots next year as soon as the weather is stable so this is really more of a project to keep me busy over the winter.  I want to get the roots developed so that as soon as the hot sun hits them, they're producing pods (I'm sure they will have already started indoors but I'll pinch them off).  I'll check out those links as well.
Weather last year was terrible up here.  We had maybe a month of actual hot sun.  The rest was rainy and cold (which is rare actually).  I had major mildew problems on every plant as a result so all my plants were stressed and dropped many flowers.  Total harvest was maybe 20 peppers across 8 plants. 
Right now I'm using a SunBlaster TH50 6400K full spectrum bulb.  I have some Verilux 6500K CFLs as well that will be used once the plants get bigger.
Another update.  Turns out I killed all my CGN seedlings (soiled became more compacted than I thought with watering) so I had to start again.  The yellow primos should have hooks any day now...Sun was out today so I put the ladies in the window for a while.





Rundle soaked up some rays also...he's actually a pencil under all that fluff!

Sun's gone so it's back under the T5

Off to play with this a bit.  Have a great day everyone!

Nice, I plan of doing this very soon. I think you will need more light very soon if not already. Or you plans will start to stun