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overwintering Winter Growing

Hello All,

Here is the start of my indoor growing this winter. With temperatures dropping here in Switzerland it is the only option (all the poor plants left outside went a horrible shade of brown), so here it is.
This is in my GH "rainforest", a silly design as it makes it it difficult to clean, nevertheless the last attempt in this was thwarted by a massive attack of aphids which as some of you said, difficult to beat indoors.

They won, but I did gain two bonsai's out of that crop (pics below.)

Here are the results of a weeks growth from my new crop.

Orange Hab, Red Hab, Choc Hab (of course), Rocotto, Naga and Jolokia.

Ciggie box for comparison, and of course for holding cigarettes.

First plant:

One Week in:

Rocotto first plant:

One Week in:


These grow like the clappers.

Choc Hab 1 week in:

And The Bonchi from the Aphid devoured previous crop:




Cheers :cool:
Is the rainforest a aeroponic system? You using GHE flora nutrients too?

Looking very good for one week in. Keep us updated.

Yes, Three times the warnings, graphic pictures and yet I still smoke my little cancer candy :)

Thanks Chris,

They seem to be growing very well this time, I am following the instructions to a tee, they seem to be there for a reason ;)

That Rainforest is an Aeroponics system, but it uses a spinning tube to "suck" up water from the reservoir and distributes a fine spray to the roots.

The Nutes are the GHE ones, the three in a pack Flora-micro, grow and bloom.

More updates to follow.

Those are some healthy looking plants. Is the Bonsai a pepper plant? I have always thought about trying to make a bonsai out of a pepper plant and wonder if it would work.
Thanks Pepperfreak, I hope to get a good crop out of them this year. Aphids are death

Yip, it's a Bonsai Thai hot pepper, I have a smaller Habanero Bonsai but it's not as pretty... yet. It works a treat, cannot wait to get mini peppers, well I hope to.

The worst part of it is the binding of it with the wire, peppers always want to grow upwards so regular trimming and reshaping is a necessity.