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Wiri Wiris

I’ve reached the end of the road with my Wiri Wiri chiles. Last year I grew seedlings from seeds sent to me from Florida. Other folks got seeds from the same source. The seeds germinated OK, but the little seedlings had no vigor and didn’t grow much. Last summer I posted a thread asking why my Wiri Wiris were weary, and there was some discussion. I saw that earlier this season someone started a new thread about them saying essentially the same thing – the plants didn’t grow well. I managed to overwinter my two plants (one was about a foot tall), and I hoped they’d take off this year. Well, no luck. The plants haven’t put on any new growth and now look like they’re about to give up the ghost. So, I’m wondering if these seeds came from a bad source and aren’t typical of what Wiris are capable of. After all, they’re meant to be a prized variety for cooking in the Philippines. If anyone has had success with them and has seeds to trade, I’d appreciate them. I hate to give up on them.
i remember that post

i have had very good fortune with my WIRI WIRI 3 years running now

i love them

i have good seeds if you want some let me know
i will be sure to give you a generous portion so you can increase your chances of getting a few good ones

mine do germinate and always seem to be health

dont give up there delicious peppers!! i love um

i have one plant going this year and it looks good

yeah they are a little touchy i noticed but really not much more than others

i lost two this year all the leaves fell off and then they died so dont feel so bad

i would bee glad to help you out if you wanna try again next year its worth it to me, they one of my top favorites
if interested let me know

thanks your friend Joe
thanks your fiend Joe

You're generous as always. I'll take you up on your offer and will send a SASBE. I should have your address from your generous gifts in the past.

Thanks, Tom

You're generous as always. I'll take you up on your offer and will send a SASBE. I should have your address from your generous gifts in the past.

Thanks, Tom
thank you

if you cant find it contact me for it or check around here im all over this forum no problem

be sure to send reminder not that you want wiri wiri seeds, this one is not my normal givaway like the superhot mic, i wanna send the right ones

thanks your friend Joe