• Please post pictures and as much information as possible.

Wolf's Super I.D. Topic!

Hey guys! I got a big pack of random seeds from a very generous member (Shoutout to PapaBill!), and I grew many on my garden. Instead of making a topic for each plant, I decided to include them all in this big topic. As it will get picture heavy, I'll use the "spoiler" thing to hide some of the pictures, in case some people have difficulties with it.
So yeah, I need your help, I have like 5 plants. Some of the plants do not have much peppers on them, so I won't have really good pictures to help identify it, but I'll add some more with time.
Here we go!
Plant no.1
First one is small red pepper that does feel like a slim Habanero. It does pack a punch similar to Habs. This little plant produces a lot! 
The pod itself


Ripening and unripe pods



The plant

Plant no.2
This one does feel like a super hot by looking at it, but I haven't tested it yet. First one is rippening as we speak, so I'll add a picture of the ripe pod in a couple of days. They have that really distinct light green color when they are unripe, with purple spots near the top.
This is the pepper that is rippening, I can't wait! :D
It has this mustard'ish color, but maybe it's not its final color.

UPDATE: Here it is!

There's a bunch of unripe peppers on the plant. They all have that cool light green color.





This is the plant itself:

Plant no.3
This third plant is a superhot, but I don't know which one. 
Here is the ripe pod it produced. It is the only one that has that shape though. By looking at the rest of the unripe pods on the plant, they have more of a 7pot shape. You'll see what I mean.

There's quite a lot of unripe pods too on this plant. This is the shape most of them have.




Here is the plant. Sorry, I know it's kinda hard to see.

Plant no.4
This is one of the plants I gave to my mother. I'm really dumb because it produced ripe peppers and I forgot to take pictures of them while I was there. These unripe photos is what I have for now, but I'll post more pictures soon. Sorry 'bout that.
They pack quite a punch, I'd say a little bit hotter than Thai Chili. The pods are not all that long, some of the ripe ones were a little shorter, about 3/4 length. Oh, and they get red when ripe.


Plant no.5
This is the 2nd plant I gave to my mother. It didn't produce any ripe pods yet (I think), and I sadly only have one picture. Might be hard to identify, but I'll update this topic with more pictures in about 2 weeks, when I'll go visit her.
The pods are little and chubby. I am not aware of the heat whatsoever.

Thanks guys for the help, I'll update this topic as much as I can, when I get new ripe pods that can help out the identification process. I hope some of these plants can get identified. :)
I do have some ideas for some of them, but I'll let you guys tell me what you think, I'm a real pepper noob (first time growing)
PS: Thanks a lot PapaBill, those mysterious seeds were (and still are) a lot of fun to grow! I got cool varieties out of those, and it was an awesome experience for a first time grower like me!

charlesquik said:
you grew any of the seeds I sent you last year?
Of course! I grew all four, actually :P
I got 3 Fresno plants, 3 Choc 7pot, 3 yellow 7pot, and 2 brazilian starfish! Thanks a lot for those seeds! Check your PM! :)
az1000 said:
1 Paper Lantern
2 Bhut Jolokia
3 7 pot
4 Thai
5 Fresno
Yes, those look about right! Except for the Fresno, because I forgot to say that these pods stopped getting larger. It's been almost 3 weeks they're that exact size, on a healty plant. So maybe a little tiny Fresno cross? Haha I can't tell.
Thanks to all of you! :)
My plant no.2 has its first ripe pod! It is brown in color, so I'm guessing it is not the stardard red ghost pepper, but a variation of it. What's the name of this one?

(I also added the picture in the first post)
Nope I don't, they seem fine. What's the reason for that? Too much sun? 
Does anybody know the real full name of this variety? I'm trying to labed my seeds right...
still wish i could figure out the make up of these sweethearts  . nothing on my list , not super hot . good flavor really cool looking . might have to come up with a name for them .
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Wolf1888 said:
Nope I don't, they seem fine. What's the reason for that? Too much sun? 
Does anybody know the real full name of this variety? I'm trying to labed my seeds right...
moruga welder said:
still wish i could figure out the make up of these sweethearts  . nothing on my list , not super hot . good flavor really cool looking . might have to come up with a name for them .
sorry , half asleep , thought i hit new topic . but the pod looks hab / ghost cross . hows the heat ?