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Worm Factoy?

I don't use a worm farm as I'm an avid DIY'er, my system is basically the same thing except made from rubbermaid's.  The yield of castings depends how much you feed them, red wigglers will consume anywhere from 1/2 to their full weight in food daily (i.e 1 lbs of worms eats 1/2-1 lbs per day), so it'd logically follow that they'd produce slightly less castings then that each day.
My current bin has been running for 3.5-4 months now and I have roughly 3-4 inches of worm castings on the bottom.  I'm actively going out to collect food for them though, I get a bucket of coffee grounds from a local free trade organic roaster/cafe as well as harvesting invasive weeds to add while I'm hiking.  The goal being to have enough fertilizer to run a 600w HPS indoor garden through the winter to grow all of our greens, tomatoes, strawberries and a couple other odd veggies in a sustainable system.
Monkey Hunter said:
I don't use a worm farm as I'm an avid DIY'er, my system is basically the same thing except made from rubbermaid's.  The yield of castings depends how much you feed them, red wigglers will consume anywhere from 1/2 to their full weight in food daily (i.e 1 lbs of worms eats 1/2-1 lbs per day), so it'd logically follow that they'd produce slightly less castings then that each day.
My current bin has been running for 3.5-4 months now and I have roughly 3-4 inches of worm castings on the bottom.  I'm actively going out to collect food for them though, I get a bucket of coffee grounds from a local free trade organic roaster/cafe as well as harvesting invasive weeds to add while I'm hiking.  The goal being to have enough fertilizer to run a 600w HPS indoor garden through the winter to grow all of our greens, tomatoes, strawberries and a couple other odd veggies in a sustainable system.
I wnana try it out when u harvest do you get about a 5 gallon bucket full or less?
the tub's I'm using are something like 16"x24", maybe 16" tall, when it's half full with castings I'll place a second on top with fresh beddin g and food so the worms migrate into their new home.  So that'll probably be around 3 gallons.
There isn't really a set time to "harvest", they're eating and pooping constantly so it's just a matter of getting the right amount of worms/food for the volume of castings needed.  From my bin I could probably harvest a couple pints of pure worm castings each week if needed.

the tub's I'm using are something like 16"x24", maybe 16" tall, when it's half full with castings I'll place a second on top with fresh beddin g and food so the worms migrate into their new home.  So that'll probably be around 3 gallons.
There isn't really a set time to "harvest", they're eating and pooping constantly so it's just a matter of getting the right amount of worms/food for the volume of castings needed.  From my bin I could probably harvest a couple pints of pure worm castings each week if needed.
Also don't t forget that worms breed quickly, their life cycle is something like 30 days.  I started with 1/2 lbs back in march, now I can't dig anywhere in the bin without seeing masses of wriggling worms.  So if you need more then you're getting, just feed them more and you'll have plenty soon enough.