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Worms ??

Ok ..... My raised beds are done. I've added everything I think I need. I still want to add Red Worms. So when is the best time to add them ? Do I need to wait for warm weather ? We just got a snow. But two weeks down the road the temps could be in the 70's. I'm in Texas so who knows ??

Peace ,
P Dreadie
If you have a good supply of organic matter, the worms will come to you. I started out with heavy hard as a rock clay in my garden. I amended the plot every spring with compost and turn in some shredded leaves in the fall, and 2 years later I have a decent soil tilth with loads of worms wriggling around.

If you want to speed it up you can try adding the worms, but if I remember correctly the red worms are only active with the temp between 54-70. OR at least that is what it says for the worm chalets that are sold for composting. Maybe different worms though not sure.

Hope that helps some.
Is it earthworms or composting worms that you're after? Earthworms aerate your soil but are slow to decompose thing where composting worms need lots of organic material to eat
jjs7741 if you're right on the temps I might as well wait.

POTAWIE ... Guess I didn't know different worms do different jobs. I've always heard red worms are good in your garden. I want to simply add some worms to my beds . My soil is light with lots of organic material. I think worms that help break things down would be what I want. What's your thought ?

If you have a compost pile of any size at all, the heat from decomposition will keep it warm enough for worms in Texas.....it does in NY.
I've purchased worms recently and the are suppose to be ok in compost piles at temps as low as 40, but in a raised bed I don't think they will make it. I picked up a few pounds for my worm farm and will be putting those directly into the pots after next years plants are ready and just get more for the farm. If you have a garage I would just pickup or make a worm farm so you will have some casting for next year and be able to make worm tea as needed.
I guess it wouldn't hurt to get some from a bait shop cheaply to get the bed started.I'm thinking the Red ones might be sort of pricy for possibly freezing.