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wow - the growth in the past 5 days

not only are the plants taking off, but the flowers and pods are popping

didn't take a ton of pics, but my mexis (guajillo, pulla, pasillo, mulato isleno) are gorwing like crazy and some of them are starting to drip with pods....had to stake them all up

my super hots are finally taking off, a few are starting to show buds

sheepnose pimentoes have a lot of pods, been eating some bells and padrons already

about time....they had me nervous


congo black








nice healthy looking plants....wish I had some of your cooler weather down here...
we had about 10 real dry days, temps hitting high 80's to 90.....nights in the 60's, variable humidity

then we got a big, quick overnight rain......one day of partial sun, light showers

now 3-4 days of 80-82 with temps in the 50's at night....pretty dry.....more of the same through mid next week at least

i like it
Well now you can relax,well until the next problem arises...Get it? arises??
Ok ill stop :shh:
Great looking garden.

nice healthy looking plants....wish I had some of your cooler weather down here...

How about going halves on a summer condo???
Come on now!! Tell me The Mrs. wouldn't be down for that,and I bet she would give up the pool real estate faster then you could say Lobster Bisque... :dance:
I kid I kid :)
nope...ain't gonna do it...if anything I will head back to deep south Mississippi