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Wrinkeled Hawaiin Chili Peppers

I have a Hawaiian Chili Pepper plant that is about two feet high and bearing bearing fruit. I recently (two weeks ago) took it out of the pot and put it in the ground. Since then the leaves have looked yellow and wilted a bit, especially in the heat of the day. In the morning the plant looks better, except that the peppers as they turn from yellow to orange to red are looking wrinkeled not nice and plump. Am I watering too much or not enough??? Oh yeah, I turned the ground up with some soil condioner (redwood) and chicken manure a week or so before putting in the ground. My neighbor has a 8ft. Hawaiian Chili Pepper tree next door and he doesn't do anything to it at all and his peppers are plump and look great.
How long had the chicken manure aged before you mixed it into the soil?
My grandpa always told me never to fertilize with it before it had "cooled down"....because it would burn the plants.(nitrogen I believe)
After cleaning out the chicken coop,he'd always spread it out and let it air dry for 4 or 5 weeks if we were going to use it as a fertilizer.
But when he would mix it with hay and other stuff for his compost, he let it age for around 6 months or so.
How long had the chicken manure aged before you mixed it into the soil?
My grandpa always told me never to fertilize with it before it had "cooled down"....because it would burn the plants.(nitrogen I believe)
After cleaning out the chicken coop,he'd always spread it out and let it air dry for 4 or 5 weeks if we were going to use it as a fertilizer.
But when he would mix it with hay and other stuff for his compost, he let it age for around 6 months or so.
Yeah, I don't know. My wifes uncle just scoops it up and puts it in a bucket. He gave me a small bucket full and told me to mix in the soil and leave it a week or so before planting. Could too much nitrogen from the "burn" of chicken manure cause the peppers to wrinkle?
It may just be transplant shock.
I know when I transplant a big plant with pods they seem to never pull out of it.
But the new growth from here on out should be fine!

Or, it could be a combination of both hot poop burn AND transplant shock. :) The plant could be aborting its' crop to recover. Once adjusted, it should flower/fruit again.

Hope it pulls through for ya. :pray:
i hate yellowing leaves, the reason, there are 1,000 possibilities as to what is going on with the plant.

it may just be the plant is hardening off and going through a bit of shock cycle after having it's roots disturbed and it's leaves being exposed to a new environment. if the plant is completely exposed to the elements, try putting a partial box around the plant to make a wind shield and perhaps try only exposing the plant to direct sunlight in the later afternoon (after 4pm) if possible, at least until the plant gets use to its new home.

the fact you mention the plant starts off looking good in the morning then starts to fade by end of day, i think points to an environmental issue. your neighbour's plant is well established and the soil around his plant is well seasoned and working.

in the evening try doing the epsom salt mist and try giving the plant an aspirin drink and see how that works.

Just my thoughts as well!

Chicken manure is one of the most potent, nitro rich ferts that you can get. 1 cup of chicken manure will have more nitro the 1 gal of cow manure! I raise 300 every 2 years, any where they squirt the grass dies. like battery acid on your skin. :cry:

The guys here are right, depending on how much of that manure you put in and how fresh it is, could determine whether your plant lives or dies. and yes it will wrinkle the fruit in essence your dehydrating the plant. the natural defense kicks in and shut down the intake for survival.

And of coarse the transplant shock, the bigger the plant the bigger the shock,

A good rule of thumb: when transplanting if you want to use your hight nitro ferts, dig the hole extra deep place your mix in the bottom cover that with 2 or so inches of neutral compost or top soil, then the root ball and only neutral soil to fill the remainder around the roots, the roots will eventually go grow down and take what they want or need with out forcing it upon them! kinda like testing your bath water with your foot to see how hot it is before you jump right in,:shocked:

I hope every thing turns out for you!! wish you well.

For what its worth,, Spicy Chicken