pests Wrinkled leafs, possible after aphids outcome or something else?

Pepper people, I have this problem ( pictures bellow). Little backstory
Had aphids infestation week and half ago, sprayed with acetamiprid they were all dead soon enough however during that week of time my plants started to look like this.







This is the after match. Or maybe its something totally else and not related to the aphids
Any suggestions?
not sure.....need more pics lol. alot of knowledgable peeps here so you will have an answer soon.
unrelated but they seem like they are planted to close together
Yeah they are they were to initially go into separate pots and not ground but since this shit happen pots are reserved for healthy plants. Dont want to get rid of them just yet before I know whats wrong and if its fixable.
Also more pics? really :P
Have similar problems on new top leaf growth. Some said mag deficiency so I gave them a good shot and meh. Some said aphids, which we have but didn't see any on there. Also saw a few white flies (they were small and white and flew) so I dunno they're still alive. I did a light spray of bug killer on the leaves just in case. This was yesterday, will let you know if anything change.s
Well I gonna spray them with thiamethoxam solution in the upcoming week and that is guaranteed to kill anything that is left from the first treatment if anything. As for extra feeding already got 11:7:33+4MgO+ME so gonna see what happens. Hopefully some plants make it, if not better luck for next season. Lesson learned for early and protective spraying usually dont want to use chems but shit happens so better safe than sorry.