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Year 3... Year 3 will be the year.

When I first came here, this was all swamp. Everyone said I was daft to build a castle on a swamp, but I built in all the same, just to show them. It sank into the swamp. So I built a second one. That sank into the swamp. So I built a third. That burned down, fell over, then sank into the swamp. But the fourth one stayed up. And that's what you're going to get, Lad, the strongest castle in all of England.
Year 1. I started too late. First batch of peppers was just ripening when I had to bring them all in to escape the merciless grasp of winter. I ate under 10 peppers, none hotter than a semi-ripe serrano.

Year 2. The winter was not kind to the plants I'd taken inside. I had slowly watched their numbers dwindle until only my two trinidad scorpions remained, but they were the cream of the crop. They would not let me down! Surely they, with the help of these 6 chocolate habanero seedlings would make this the year that my digestive system felt like I'd been fingercuffed between Satan and Hades!

...Ok, something ate all but one of the hab seedlings. I can recover, what else do I have around here... AHA! I shall recover this season with the super-manly PIMENTO PEPPERS OF DOOM! MWAHA..ha... wait a sec, pimento? What the f... Why do I even have these seeds? Mother f... Fine, pimentos. Toss the damn things in a cup and see what grows.

12 pimentos. Awesome... I can't grow anything cool to save my life, but the pimentos cling to life harder than a rich old guy dodging funeral expenses. I don't really want 12 pimentos so let's give half of them away. I don't really want 6 pimentos either, but what the hell, into the ground they go. Everything's taking off, peppers are forming, I have set in motion a series of events so diabolic, so cunning, that BARBRA STREISAND HERSELF could not stand between me and burning deliciousness being crammed down my throat!
Summer said:
Hey guys, if you need me I'm gonna be in Vegas for a bit.
Wildlife said:
Booyah, pimento peppers! This guy is awesome! GUYS, OVER HERE, PIMENTO PEPPERS!
Sigh. Ok, it's late August. Let's take stock here.

5 Trinidad scorpion peppers.
8 chocolate habanero peppers. Mostly tiny little things, but it's the size of the fight in the dog, not the size of the dog in the fight. Or something, I don't watch ESPN.
1 pimento pepper. Looks crossed with something.

All green. All still subject to the pepper destroying aura of my property before they reach the age of maturity and I'm able to do naughty things with them.

So... Year 3.

Year 3 will be the year.
Next year will be the year! 
Anyway, that's what I keep telling myself about growing a garden full of nice beefsteak tomatoes.  :pray:
But seriously, poultry netting works wonders at keeping wildlife out of the garden.