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water Yellow and slow from tap water

Im not sure if it is PH, fertilizer or calcium build up in the soil.
Any ideas?


Checking the PH of the soil is a good idea, whatever the cause of this may be... Don't know about the quality of your tap water, so I can't say if it's good for your plants or not. Rain water is a better choice if you have a chance of using it.

You can try this: buy some mineral water (non-sparkling) and boil it for a min, let it cool down over night and use this for watering and see if it gets any better.

Slow growth can have a lot of causes incl. the variety you are growing itself, some don't grow very fast. What kind of lights do you use?
i would say tap water, but i would go with whatever pam posts next ; ).
my plants looked almost exactly like that i added a little earthjuice grow and botanicare sweet and they got back to being green.
i *thought* at least it was nitrogen being low and magnesium and sulfur deficiency. Earthjuice being lower nitrogen than any other fert i had on hand, and sweet(berry) i already had was mostly just "magnesium sulfate" so sounded good to me.

reading their site though, it seems like it has other things in it to handle nitrogen better for the plant? i'm not sure. just thought i would tell you my experience take it with a grain of sand. ( salt might hurt the plant... )
I was having the same problem and someone, probably AJ or Pam, suggested not using tap water. I set up a garbage can to collect rainwater and have been using it all winter and this spring. It seems to help.

But... for years I have always watered the garden using tap water and never had any problem. Of course, the plants were not seedlings growing under lights.

wordwiz said:
I was having the same problem and someone, probably AJ or Pam, suggested not using tap water.

Not me, I use tap water. Average tap water will not hurt your peppers. If you wanter is especially hard or soft, it might cause some problems, but mostly tap water is fine.

I asked about fertilizers, because the plants look like possibly a magnesium or iron deficiency. The leaves are curled at the edges, too, and t'were they mine, I would inspect them carefully for insects.
The curled edges alone wouldn't make me worry too much, chinense especially Habaneros tend to do that. It doesn't indicate a lack of some nutrient.

The usability of tap water depends on its qquality.
Chiliac said:
The curled edges alone wouldn't make me worry too much, chinense especially Habaneros tend to do that. It doesn't indicate a lack of some nutrient.

That would be why I asked about fertilizer use instead of insisting he had a deficiency problem. The leaves are showing other problems, but I like to get all the details.

The usability of tap water depends on its qquality.

Which is what I said, only in more words.
hey, sorry if you got me wrong, I wasn't questioning or criticising what you said, I only meant to add my two cents and to confirm your statement about tap water.

Sorry if it came across in a harsh way! :oops: