health Yellow dropping leafs.


I seem to have a problem with two of my chilli plant types, the first is the Habanero Lemon the leafs are starting to go yellow and have some purple/brown marks on some of the leafs the second is my Peter peppers which has yellow dropping leafs with some curl. My other two types look strong and healthy.

I have search Google but get many different solutions, I don't want to make things worse so thought I'd reach out.

Any advice would be brilliant.

P.s this is my first time growing peppers.

I have search Google but get many different solutions, I don't want to make things worse so thought I'd reach out.
You're on the right track! Throwing 'fixes' @ a minor issue not helpful in finding the root cause.
I'd start by looking @ your current growing method -

What is your feralization method?
What type of fertilizer & strength?
What is the media?
It looks a little dry - NOT A BAD THING! - Do you water & fertilize @ the same time?

Now if you think this a bit intrusive - try this......

You're on the right track! Throwing 'fixes' @ a minor issue not helpful in finding the root cause.
I'd start by looking @ your current growing method -

What is your feralization method?
What type of fertilizer & strength?
What is the media?
It looks a little dry - NOT A BAD THING! - Do you water & fertilize @ the same time?

Now if you think this a bit intrusive - try this......


Thanks, I know im gonna make alot of mistakes being new to this which is one of the reasons I joined thios forum.

This is what im doing at the moment;

I use chilli focus but only half the recomended amount, I do this when I water which I do using the bottom watering method I waters usaly very 5-7 days when the soild is almost dry.
I use a mix of sieved compost, perlite, vermiculite & fish, blood & bone, this seemed to work really well my other plants are really healthy and stating to produce flowers.
I use an Viparspectra LED light which is hug to the recomened hight off the top of my head im not 100% sure of the distance.
They are currently in 15cm pots