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chinense Yellow habanero varieties killing me!

I wonder if I am the only person who can eat a superhot pepper and keep my composure (I do cry) but when I eat a yellow habanero type of pepper (more specifically limon and madame jeanette) I just go absolutely nuts.
Seems to me the burn is different, it's located more on the back of my tongue, roof of my mouth and often my throat (whereas the superhots often just kill my tongue and mouth in general) and I just can't seem to handle it without acting like a little girl ... :/
Anyone else experience this?
Yup, it's pretty common.  Different types of peppers contain different capsaicinoids.  These will target your pain receptors differently.  So you could be accustomed to a certain capsaicinoid, but the yellow hab varieties could contain a different type which you haven't built a tolerance to.
im the other way.. habs burn my tongue and lips and i'm more comfortable with the throat burn from some superhots. hate burning lips!