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yellow hottest ?


Thank you for help

is 7 pod yellow or yellow bhut jolokia
Those look to me like either a slight pod variance on regular Orange Habs, or possibly a Mulo De Tiro Hab. Or, if they're pretty small (1 inch or a little more), they look like they could be Datils.
Mulo de Tiro are smooth, more peach color than the typ orange hab, they also come to a point. There are so many "mutant" pods floating around. I miss the pure strains. Thats one reason I grow heirloom tomatoes........taste. I can see more and more overwintering
and isolating by folks here in the future. When ya got the real deal preserve it...

Yellow7 are the hottest yellows I've tried, and they aren't bad, but I prefer many other yellow chinense for flavor
Not sure what those are in the pic, looks kind of hab like but weird, maybe a cross