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seeds Yellow looking leaves on seedlings

Hi, this is my first year growing from seed, and my seedlings are looking a bit yellow :S


Am I over-thinking this, or this there something I should do?

Seedlings are 2-3 weeks old dorset naga and peach habs in coco pellets and then into west+ with added perlite and vermiculite. I have used weak strength chilli focus on them once or twice (2.5ml per litre).
What is the NPK of your chilli focus? Yellow leaves is most often caused by a lack of nitrogen or a water issue (too much due to poor drainage, or too dry).
I experienced yellow leaves and am using chili focus as well. However I read that yellow leaves are often calcium and magnesium deficient. What I have taken to doing is crushing up 6-8 calcium supplements into a powder then mixing it into the soil mix when transplanting. I have not had any trouble since.
Curling, yellowing leaves is often caused by a calcium and magnesium deficiency as bugged pointed out. You can do like he suggested or you can water it in. The magnesium deficiencies are easy to remedy with Epsom Salts and a spray bottle. Use a mixture of 1 TBSP to a Gallon of water. Mist the plants either early morning or in the evening. You should see a marked improvement in color within a few days to a week.

There are other causes to curling yellowing leaves. Aphids and other insects can cause this problem as well as overwatering. Check the plants for bugs on the top and bottom of the leaves. When watering, make sure that you allow the pots to dry out a bit before watering again. Chili plants don't like to have their feet wet.
I'd increase the watering with chilli focus mix a little bit or increase the strength slightly, it should have enough calcium and magnesium in it for the plants without having to add any extra. At least I'd hope so, that's the point of a chilli specific nutirent mix :) I've not used it yet, but I'm thinking of using it soon